Beneath The Lies

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When the next morning came around, Lucas still had an aching pain all over his arm and leg from the whip. "To die or to be already dead," Lucas whispered in a mumble to himself. "That is one bad impression of Shakespeare quote right there." Corey snickered as he rolled over and looked at Lucas, who is leaning up against the edge of the bed on the left side of the cell. "Did I ask you, Mister? Professional?" Lucas responded with the sound of irritation in his voice.

"Well, sounds like somebody didn't go to school all the way. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so stupid." Corey insulted teasingly as he sat upon the bed, swinging his feet over the bed, letting his toes touch the cold stone floor. "Says the over-sensitive crybaby." Lucas insulted back, he wanted to break Corey's neck. "Says the pervy loser that can't seem to keep his hands off of people," April argued as she got up off the bed and was about ready to slap Lucas very hard. "Quit the arguing and get ready for breakfast." One of the guards ordered as he opened up the bars.

"Captain Mina is going to have you all tested on how well your skills are." The guard explained as he walked behind them to the cafeteria. "Ugh, more training?" Lucas complained. April felt very suspicious of the whole place and the system. April leaned a little closer to Corey. "Is it just me or does this whole place and the system of how they do things around here seem off to you?" April whispered.

"Honestly, I kind of felt the same feeling, because I know this place is a prison site, but why so much training? Because aren't prison sites supposed to be for where random citizens are forced to work and obey every rule and order that the people of the place tell you?" Corey whispered back with a puzzled look on his face. The guard can actually hear Corey and April are whispering. So he stopped walking and grabbed both of their arms and pulled them backward. "You two are smart apparently." The guard said.

But when Corey looked closer at the guard's face behind the face mask, he kind of saw something familiar. There was a scar under his right eye. "Hey, my dad also has a scar under his--wait, dad? Is that you?" Corey cut off his own sentence with a question. The guard walked towards a storage closet, dragging April and Corey along with him. Closing and locking the door behind them. He pulled off his mask, revealing his whole face.

"Dad? What're you doing here?" Corey asked with his eyes wide like an owl. "I am here undercover because I also suspect weird stuff going on here," Derek said in a whisper. "And keep your voice down, we don't anyone to know that we're in here," Derek added with his voice speaking in a whisper. "But, I got my answers because there is something weird going on," Derek said before he got out his phone from his back pocket of his pants.

"I got pictures of inside a storage unit, there were stashes of cash and drugs. But the storage unit was far back behind all the other ones." Derek explained as he showed the picture on his phone to them. "This isn't just a prison site, I think mafia gangs filled with mobsters are the ones who are actually running this place. And I believe that Mina might have to do something with them." Derek added before he put away his phone back into his back pocket.

"Maybe that's why she's taking people all into these training routes. She's testing people's abilities to see if they are good enough to work as a servant/ or a slave to the mafia." Corey said as he let his mind focus on that sentence. "Well, how do we find out? We can't just go up to her and straight up ask her." April asked.

"Dad, where did you get the guard suit?" Corey asked as he looked up at his dad. "Oh, I stole it when I had the chance," Derek answered. Corey just realized that they were in a storage closet. "Well, we're in luck because I can see a couple of uniforms right there." Corey pointed at the uniforms that are hanging on the wall. After a few minutes of April and Corey changing into the uniforms, April popped her head out to see if anyone was around to witness. "Coast is clear," April said as she came out with Corey and Derek following along after her. Derek noticed Mina coming up to them. "What're you three doing just standing around?" Go do your duties!" Mina said.

Corey snickered and whispered to Derek and April "She said doodies." April sighed and rolled her eyes a little while Derek laughed along with Corey to his joke. "Hold on a minute you two," Mina said as she pointed at April and Corey. Then she looked up close to their faces, they had masks on. She got up close to see their eyes. "You two look familiar..." Mina suspected. "You probably just saw us around a lot. I mean, we are working a lot for you, ma'am." Corey responded. "Well, I guess that is correct.," Mina said before walking away with her fingers gripping her chin.

April looked at Derek and Corey. "Let's hurry up on finding a way into Mina's office in the headquarters over by the field." April hurried before walking towards the exit doors that led to the field. "And if we find what we're looking for, then we find a way to escape this place and expose her and the whole mafia to the police," April suggested. "Yeah." Corey nodded, looking around for the headquarters building. When they finally found it, Derek pulled out a badge and brought it up to the scanner that was up on the wall, on the left side of the doors.

The scanner showed a green light, accepting the badge ID, making a clicking sound that was unlocking the doors for them. Derek swung open the doors and waited for April and Corey to walk in. "You two go, I'll stay out here to watch. It's upstairs, take a right, and you should see the door to her office." Derek instructed before he closed the doors behind them. He turned around and looked around to see if anyone was watching or coming. Corey and April did as Derek instructed, and they looked at the door.

"What if it's locked or has sensors protecting it?" April asked as she continued to stare at the closed door with Mina's name on it in the glass. Corey twisted the doorknob, and it was actually unlocked. Then he pushed the door forwards, he saw nobody in there. "Okay, look for any clues," Corey told as he went over to the drawers beside her desk. April noticed a big map on the wall on the left side of the room. She saw thumbtacks pinned to specific places, with pictures of people beside them.

"Wait, what is this?" April asked as she went up to it. "And what is this?" Corey asked as he found two files with his and April's names on the little tab of the folder. April found a picture of herself, and a picture of Corey. There was something written beside their pictures. "Found? These look like pictures of people that she has found." April spoke out loud. "April, look at this," Corey told her as he went up to her, holding both of the files in his hands.

"What in the hell is this?" April felt shocked to see a file with information about her health, her basic information, her address, and her history. "She has me too." Corey brought the file with his name on it up to her attention. "Looks like we got our evidence," April said as she took out the camera in one of the pockets to turn to take a picture of Mina's big map. Corey closed the files and walked out of the room with April. "Let's hurry. Good thing it's training time right now." April said as she got out of the building with Corey safely and unseen.

"Now, to report to the police," Corey said as he looked at Derek. "Do you have a phone?" Corey asked. Derek nodded and got out the phone that was provided in one of the pockets. Corey took the phone and dialed 911. "Hello? Um, my name is Corey Wendel, and I am trapped in a prison site, but it turns out that this isn't a prison site. It's being run by some kind of mafia, and they are doing illegal things. I even have proof." Corey explained.

"Hello Mister Wendel, do you know where this is?" The dispatcher asked. "No, I was kidnapped and got brought here without knowing the location of this place.

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