Stranger Danger

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Before April could try to even find out who the person was, her mouth was getting taped and her eyes blindfolded. The person tried to escape without any attention drawn to them. So he decided to run out of the place and jumped out of a window, landing on a bush. Every scream April did, was muffled so no one could hear her. But the person didn't know how many people lived at the place. So Janine witnessed April being kidnapped by the person.

So she quickly called the police, but before she knew it, they were already gone. So she dialed 911 anyway and immediately told the police of what she just saw. "And so, this could mean that he might be anywhere in the United Kingdom since he was last seen robbing a bank down at Harlow," Renee said as she looked at the map of London. "You guys!" Marcos exclaimed in a loud voice at Corey and Renee. "Yeah, dad?" Renee responded concernedly. "April has been kidnapped! Janine just told me!" Marcos told. Corey and Renee were in complete shock. But Corey was more shocked than Renee. His eyes were wide opened with his jaw opened big.

"Did she see who it was?" Renee asked. "Sort of, she said that the man wore a grey hoodie, blue denim long jeans, and white tennis shoes. But the man was already gone before she could call the police. And she couldn't see the face because his eyes and hair were covered." Marcos replied. Corey felt a fire burst into flames throughout his body and into his mind. He felt anger and concern, but yet he notices something in the bushes. It was a wallet on the top of the bushes.

He went out of the room and went to that same bush he saw in the window. He picked it up and searched through it. Then he saw an I.D card that had Randy Stones' name and bio on it, along with a picture of him. An actual real picture that he saw of him on the internet. Corey ran back inside and went up to Janine and Renee. "It was Randy!" Corey says as he shows them the I.D card. "Why would he leave behind his wallet?" Janine asked. "Maybe he didn't realize that he dropped it?" Corey suggested. "Or he did it on purpose to lure us into a trap," Renee says as she looked at the I.D card.

"Then what will we do if it is a trap?" Janine asks with a concerned voice. "I hope my niece is okay.."Janine hopes with sadness flowing through her. When April came around and woke up, she noticed that she was in kind of some dirty cell room. There were cobwebs in the ceiling corners and the floor corners. But the walls and floor were a nice color, they were also quite shiny. There was a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. When she looked at the bed she was in, it was a nice and comfy bed.

With soft pillows and blankets. There were only 3 windows in there, and they were huge windows. One of them had a balcony with chairs on it. When she sat up and got out of the bed, she noticed some nice clothes were sitting on the little table next to the bed on the right side. There was a long white dress that went up to her ankles. The end of the dress was laced in silk with a faded wavy trim. The sleeves only went up to her wrists, and they were baggy a little. There was a black slip-on laying on top of the dress, along with a white ribbon.

She looked at her clothes and saw how dirty they were. The only questions that came to her mind were how and why she is here. And how come the cell that she's in, isn't so dirty as she thought all cells would look like from those movies. She quickly put on the clothes that were set out for her. She felt the silky end touch her ankles. As she lets down her hair and takes her side bangs to the back of her hair, tying it with the white ribbon, she notices how she was going to look in these clothes.

She hopes she doesn't end up looking like some white maiden that needs to be rescued desperately. But she was hoping for someone to come and rescue her, and not just anyone. She wanted only Corey and only Corey to be her savior. She went up to the metal bars that held the barrier from her escaping out of the room. She held onto the bars and swung around, she suddenly felt restless.

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