Artists ↹ Bill Denbrough

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Pairing: Bill Denbrough x Artist!Reader
Warnings: None, this is completely soft.
Word Count: 253
Pronouns: N/A

Dating an Artist Would Include...

• You two originally bond over art class and a project you were working on
• Sitting together in art class
• Discussing your favourite artists
• Bill asking you out by painting you in art class
• "What are you painting today?" "Can I see it?"
• "Not until it's done!"
• You hiding in your art room all day painting
• Bill bringing you snacks and drinks throughout the day to make sure you're eating and drinking
• Giving him hugs and getting paint all over him
• You two painting together
• Watching Bob Ross and painting along with him
• "Happy Accidents!"
• You two painting one of your bedroom walls together, covering it with large paintings and small ones too
• All-nighters to work on paintings you're really inspired for
• Bill falling asleep on the chair in the corner of the room, watching you paint
• Bill reading to you as you paint
• Lowkey paint fights. Often.
• "(Y/N) can I paint on you?"
• Bill painting on you, your stomach, your arms, your back, your legs, etc.
• You doing the same to him
• Art museums? Yes please!!
• Cheering each other on when your art is on display at school
• Having each other's paintings hanging in the other's room
• Everything about this relationship is so pure
• For his birthday one year, you surprised him with a painting of the two of you based on a polaroid you had taken

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