Crisis Hotline ↹ Stanley Uris

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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Female!Reader
Prompt: "I tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you're worried about me and telling me not to hang up" AU (credit to  ccrvoattano on tumblr)
Warnings: Talks about s*icide and anxiety and what not!! please be careful readingggg // it's an AU and also aged up 16/17
Word Count: 742
Pronouns: SHE/HER

(Y/N) dialed the number on her cell phone as quickly as her shaking hands would allow her to, she was in the midst of having a breakdown. It's three in the morning now, the hotline was her only option. This had been the third breakdown this week, and she really felt like she was going to give into her temptations this time.

"Hello?" The voice on the other line answered after several rings, sounding tired. But that didn't stop (Y/N), she started talking right away.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to keep going on with this," She took in a large breath, "My mom and dad basically hate each other at this point and I don't know why they're even together anymore. I think it's only because of my siblings and I, but I don't think they realise the shit they're putting us through," She paused for a second, choking on her sobs, "My mom makes bad choices and chooses her friends over the family so often because she can't stand my father but it feels like she tries to get away from us, too. And that's just my family problems. I can't even begin telling you about how terrible all of my friends are, none of them really even like me, I don't think. They seem like they'd be perfect without me. My only real friends that actually care about me live like half an hour or more away, or they're from the internet. I guess if that doesn't make me pathetic, what does? On top of pathetic, I'm in love with a boy who broke up with me and lied to me, and every chance I seem to get I somehow manage to mess it up so badly." Finally, (Y/N) let herself breathe. She had hardly taken a breath during that entire little rant, "I'm sorry, I just feel like I'm going to give up. I can hardly take it anymore. I need a release."

The person on the other line hesitated for a moment, "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number."

She felt her heart sink before looking at the number on her phone screen and then the one she had written down. She had gotten one number wrong. Resulting in her calling some absolute random person in the middle of the night.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry for waking you up," (Y/N) started shaking again, she felt that she was about to fall into another anxiety attack, on top of the one she's already going through.

"Wait, don't go," The stranger sounded more awake, however his voice still groggy, "Don't hang up the phone. I know I'm just a stranger but, there's no use in calling and retelling the whole story to another stranger,"

She let out a slight laugh, "Ah yes, why talk to a trained professional about wanting to off myself when I can talk to you, a teenaged stranger."

"Exactly. My name is Stanley, Stan for short. Yours is...?" He waited patiently, expecting her to actually answer.

"(Y/N)," She answered hesitantly, "I'm sorry for waking you up."

"No, don't apologise. I'm glad you woke me up, (Y/N)," Stan spoke, "At first I thought it was my friend, Richie, calling to ask me to either A) participate in something dumb, or B) save his ass after he got himself into some dumb situation."

"Wow, Richie sounds like a character," She replied, "If I called any of my friends at this hour they'd probably never talk to me again. They aren't very good at being my friends,"

"Well, (Y/N), no matter what time of night, feel free to call me," (Y/N) partially couldn't believe he was actually telling her that she was allowed to call him whenever, "I'm more than willing to try and help you."

She felt herself smile slightly, that was really sweet of Stanley. He's a total stranger, yet more willing to help her than some of her friends would be. "Thank you, Stanley, that means a lot,"

The two of them stayed on the phone for some time afterwards, despite both of them having school the next day. Stanley told (Y/N) more about his group of friends, and the things that they so often do together. (Y/N) talked briefly again of her issues, but Stanley didn't push to hear anymore about it.

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