Opposite of Rejection ↹ Stanley Uris

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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Female!Reader
Warnings: mentions Reddie because I love that gay shit wow
Word Count: 767
Pronouns: SHE/HER

There was something about the way he spoke, (Y/N) told herself. It was the way he talked to her. The way he laughed when only the Losers were around. There were so many things about Stanley Uris that (Y/N) was in love with, more than she could count.

Bill Denbrough and Eddie Kaspbrak knew the way (Y/N) felt towards their favourite curly haired Jewish boy. They were the only two who she would talk to about it, mostly Eddie because while she gushed about Stan, Eddie would gush about some unnamed person, using only gender-neutral pronouns, and (Y/N) pretended not to know it was all about Richie. Bill, on the other hand, listened to both Stan and (Y/N) talk about the other. He was the middle man in their "relationship", if that's what one would wish to call it.

For (Y/N), the concept of Stanley liking her back would have been a miracle. She never thought she was good enough, she never considered the fact that she might be the one Stan likes. She always thought he'd go after someone who was practically flawless, and actually knew how to dress.

(Y/N) was none of those things and she knew it, there was no use in her pretending she was. She had messy hair and her clothes never fit too well, you could tell most of them were from the thrift store or hand-me downs. Stanley could do better than that.

On the other hand, Stanley admired everything about (Y/N). He loved the way her clothes fit her loosely, and the fact that they're all either faded tee's and light jeans or shorts, or pastel sweaters with similar pants. He always smiled when he saw her messy hair, especially that of when she just woke up. He found everything about her perfect, flawless even.

Stanley felt that he was the one that wasn't good enough for her. He tried not to let the fact that he was Jewish get in the way of anything, but he couldn't help but think about the fact that that made her not like him. He pretty avidly got teased for it, and he wouldn't want her to suffer through the torment as well. Not that she'd go through anymore than The Bowers Gang likely already put her through.

"I'm going to tell Stanley today," Bill had heard (Y/N) say this many times, but today seemed different, "And I'm going to accept my rejection like a big girl."

"Huh-How can you buh-be so s-sure you'll be ruh-rejected?" Bill sputtered, that stupid stutter of his always managed to get in the way of things. He knew the Losers would all be here soon, and they needed to get this conversation out of the way. Kind of hard to do when you have to repeat the same sound seven different times before being able to say the word.

"Are you stupid, Billiam? Of course he'll reject me. I'm me," She let out a laugh as she used the nickname Richie gave him, at the exact moment the boy they were talking about approached them. She was standing, too anxious to sit, while Eddie and Bill sat on the tattered blanket they had laid out. They pointed behind her warning her, but she didn't pick up on it. "He's just too good for me! That's how the cookie crumbles, I do suppose."

"Who are you two talking about?" Stanley gave a smile, as he sat down next to Bill. He was secretly jealous of whoever (Y/N) as talking about, and annoyed that she believed someone was too god for her. She was too good for everyone else.

"You," (Y/N) had her confidence built up so she could spit out the next sentence, "I'm supposed to tell you I like you today. And then face my unavoidable rejection, then pretend it never happened so the rest of the Losers can stay in the dark."

For a moment, Stan was too shocked to react, "I can't believe you thought I'd reject you. I've had a crush on you for so long. It's impressive that you've never noticed." He let out a laugh as he then stood up next to her.

"Oh. Well that's not what I was expecting. I don't know what to do from here." (Y/N) blinked slowly and looked to Bill and Eddie, hopefully for advice. They had nothing.

"We can talk about it when it's just us," Stanley told her, nervously grabbing her hand. "Does that sound okay?"

"That sounds more than okay."

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