Love Letters ↹ Stanley Uris

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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1205
Warnings: Not really a warning but they're aged up to 16/17, it's kind of long, too. Oops.
Pronouns: SHE/HER

Stanley Uris would be lying if he said he didn't remember the exact moment he fell in love with (Y/N). They were just barely fourteen and the two of them were on their way home from a bonfire at Richie's house when (Y/N) had looked up at the sky and started listing off the constellations above them. She pointed out the stars and helped Stan find them, and then began to tell him about each one. He doesn't know why this is what made him realise he was in love, but seeing her face light up when she talked about the stars made him feel some kind of spectacular way.

That was years ago, and Stanley still hadn't told (Y/N) how he felt about her. They were both almost seventeen, and he was about to lose his opportunity. They were juniors in high school and it was clear that boys outside the Losers were starting to pay attention to her. Stanley didn't want to ruin things between the two of them, they're best friends.

He intended on telling her on her birthday, as a surprise. His anxiety had been eating at him for weeks about it. He had written out a little letter type thing, he wanted to make sure that he said the perfect things to her, keep all of his thoughts in one spot for when he was to tell her. Stanley kept this letter on him at all times, constantly making edits and changing things.

Today, of all days, the day before her birthday, he lost the paper. Stanley lost the piece of paper that had been in his pocket for god only knows how long. The piece of paper that had (Y/N)'s name at the top and his name at the bottom. The piece of paper that expressed his feelings and shared memories that only the two of them had. Stan's anxiety was overwhelming him, he felt like he was going to vomit. What if the wrong person found it? Greta or Bowers or worse. Richie.

(Y/N), on the other hand, felt great. She had just gotten out of her final class of the day, her only class with Stan. She wanted to go home and take a nap, until she's stopped by one of her classmates, Rachel. The two of them were acquainted but not friends, so her approaching (Y/N) was slightly out of the ordinary.

"Hey, this fell out of Stan's pocket, I don't know if it's important but I figured I should give it to one of you," Rachel smiled, "Have a good weekend, and a happy birthday!"

(Y/N) smiled and thanked Rachel, then looked down at the piece of notebook paper. It certainly belonged to Stanley, it was his handwriting without a doubt. The nicest messy handwriting anyone will ever see in their life. (Y/N) figured that it wouldn't hurt anything if she read it, they were best friends. Whatever's on the paper, it was something she could read.


I am so helplessly in love with you.

I've been trying to write this (say this) for so long, but I just never got the courage to do so. I have been in love with you since we were fourteen years old. That night we were walking home from Richie's and you started talking about the stars and why you loved them. That was the moment I knew I was in love with you. It's been three years since then and I still haven't told you. You're turning seventeen really soon so I wrote this out as a sort of outline so I can tell you. I've been terrified to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. We've been friends for years, I don't want anything to come in between us. Especially not something like feelings.

But jeez, when I see you smile and laughing everyday, I swear I fall deeper in love with you. Your laugh is arguably one of the most beautiful things about you. I'm kind of rambling.

Do you remember when we were fifteen and you had your first boyfriend? Quite honestly it tore me apart but you were happy and I was happy. I remember when you two broke up, you were kind of upset but you seemed happier than anything. I didn't understand it for awhile but then you explained that it was because he was mean and controlling over you. I wanted to fight him and you told me that I'd get my ass kicked. I knew you were right, but that didn't stop me from wanting to fight him.

The same year, we had our first co-ed sleepover. It was a blast, Ben, Mike, Richie, Bill, Eddie, Beverly, and the two of us. Everyone made fun of us because we fell asleep with you asleep right next to me and I apparently had the stupidest smile on my face when I woke up, and while I was asleep I was holding you as tightly as I could. I think that's when they knew, I'm not quite sure how you didn't know. I didn't exactly try to hide it or anything.

There have been so many things between us, too many to list. I just want you to know that I treasure these moment between us. And that I love you, I always will love you.


Stanley Uris.

To say she was shocked while reading this would be a complete understatement. Stanley, in love with her? Her best friend since God only knows how long. She was surprised for many reasons, one being that she hadn't noticed it sooner. How could she be so oblivious to his feelings for her?

"Hey, (Y/N)," The voice scared her, and it belonged to a very anxious looking Stanley, "What're you up to?"

"Nothing really," She smiled back, "Rachel gave me this paper, she said it fell out of your pocket last period," (Y/N) handed Stanley the paper and his entire body relaxed and then tensed.

"You read it, didn't you?" Stanley's face fell, "Listen, (Y/N) I am so sorry, I really wanted to tell you sooner but-"

"I love you too, Stanley," Is all that came out of her mouth. She didn't exactly mean to say that, but it wasn't a lie. (Y/N) had been in love with Stanley as well, and had been for a long time. Her love was a lot more subtle and the only other Losers to know about it were Mike and Ben. They constantly helped her and avidly coached her when she was freaking out about what to say to him or what to do when he did something.

Stanley's eyes were wide, and a smile broke his shocked expression, "Really? You do? You don't have to say it if you don't mean it, I mean, I would understand. Who wants to date me?"

"I do, Uris," (Y/N) smiled lightly and then changed the topic, "So tomorrow, do you still want to go out for lunch like we planned?" She didn't wait for his response as she started walking towards Stan's car.

"(Y/N)! Wait, what the hell!"

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