Chapter 8

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Modern Era

Levi sighs with satisfaction, everything is so soft and warm. He don't want to wake up and face those damned paper work.

He gasped his pillow, feeling the soft fabric. Odd, he doesn't remembered that he had more pillows, he only had one.

Maybe Hange gave me more pillows? Levi thought, but he pushed it back. Letting himself relax.

He remembered being in the same situation, when Eren put him to sleep. Everything is warm and soft, he felt how gentle the Alpha is when he was tucking him in. Even with his insomnia, Levi easily drift off.

As much as possible, he wanted to get more sleep. Knowing that this moment won't last.

Just when he's letting sleep take him, his stomach rumbles.

Well, fuck. Levi cursed internally, ignoring his hunger and hug his pillow. As far as he can remember he ate lunch and this is the first time his hunger strike during the afternoon.

He groan as his stomach demanded food. His not just hungry but he is starving. Starving for peaches. Oh, Levi is willing to cut someone else throat if they dare to stop him from getting his hands on his peaches.

After dinner,Levi planned. He will take his horse and buy himself a month worth of peaches. And some jasmine tea. He doesn't care if he'll use all his savings, damned he needed it.

He turn on his side, appreciating the softness around him. He wants to go back to sleep but the peaches are clouding his mind.

Rubbing the sleep off his eyes, the first thing he saw is. Peaches. He blink several times, squinting at the fruit sitting on the side table. Peaches. Real peaches. It was a dream come true.

Struggling a little as he move to a sitting position, he focused on the fruit. Not minding the world around him. Taking the biggest peach, not even bothering to cut them in a neat way, he munch on the fruit.

Levi felt like in heaven.

If only days like these were longer, Levi wished. And more fruit on his bowl, he is contented. Happy even.

Levi was on his last peach, when the door opened.

"Levi, I got you Jasmine just the way you like it." Eren came in with a tray of Jasmine tea in the teapot.

Levi stopped eating, watching Eren move around the room wearing regular clothing. Anger boils in him. What is going on the brat's head? Did he forgot to wear his uniform?

Eren set the tray down, looking over at Levi. He frown when he found the Omega glaring at him but after a while, recognition flashes in his mind.

"Captain?" Eren asks without thinking.

"Don't captain me, brat! Why are you not fucking wearing your uniform!" He shouts. This is a mystery to Levi, yes, he is angry but why on earth is he shouting?

"Captain!" Eren jumped, head high as he salute to his superior. "But- but how?"

"The fuck?!"

"Why is this happening?" Eren fell on his knees, resting his head on the edge of the bed. "I don't know anymore..."

"Will you shut the fuck up?! Just shut up! Shut up!" Levi screamed, then realizing what he did, he cursed himself for being moody. "Fuck, what is wrong with me?"

Tears began to fall from his eyes, he can't control them, he started crying and sobbing like a child who got his peaches stolen.

"Captain! You should calm down. Here, have some tea." Eren panicked, when Levi started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Give me my fucking tea and more peaches!" Levi demanded. Nursing his cup of Jasmine with tear stained eyes. "And don't you fucking dare say a word about this whole shit!"

"Yes, sir! I'll just get you more peaches!" Eren stumbled as he ran to the door, closing it behind him.

Wiping his tear stained face, his eyes widen on his surroundings. White clean walls, not the usual bricks, he eyed the pictures on the walls. Eren and his. They're both smiling, some they were having picnic, others shows that they have company. Levi eyed the picture, the one he assume was Christmas day from the decorated trees and the birthday cake on the table.

Not leaving his eyes on the picture, Levi slid out of bed. As he approach the frame he felt his heart beat faster and faster until he took the frame off the wall. Tears fell on the glass of the frame.


His mother was on the picture, she was laughing, happy and healthy. Levi returned the picture, eyes linger longer on the rest of the frames. Most of them are him and Eren. He can't believe was smiling like a dork in love in most of the pictures. A blush creep on his cheeks when he saw a picture of both of them kissing. When did that happened?! Levi internally scream.

Stopping midway, his bladder warned him. "I just drank one damned cup!" He complained.

He opened each door until he found the bathroom. Sighing as he wash his hands, he tried to calm himself and think before panicking. The toilet is weird but it is much cleaner, Levi won't question it anymore. The sink is... Amazing, who ever invented this type of technology must be an angel. Breathing in and out, he remembered the time when Hange talked none stop about advance technologies. But there is something poking on him, telling him that he didn't belong in here.

Leaning on the sink, he look at himself in the mirror. "Okay, let's not panic. Once I found Hange, I'll find answer. Right."

Levi linger at his reflection on the mirror. He looked different. Very different, no dark bags under his eyes, no wrinkles, his hair is shiny, his skin is glowing and most of all. His fucking fat.

Levi stepped back and studies himself. Whatever the fuck happened to him, Levi will do everything to get his muscles back. After a few moments, he stared at his reflection with disbelief. He lift the huge shirt his wearing until he saw the bulge on his stomach. Eyes wide, mouth open. Levi can't believe what his seeing, he drag a hand on his stomach.

"This is just a dream right?" He asked his own reflection.

Levi wants to punch himself, he knew this is a dream, it had to be. There is no way he's expecting, there is just no way that Eren and him are together. There is just no way.

He jumped when a sound came from the bedroom. Following the sound, Levi found the device that cause it.

It shows his mother's picture and here name.

Levi immediately grasped the device, not sure how to use it. After a few minutes, Levi got the idea and pressed the button saying accept.

"Levi! How are you feeling?"

Levi's doesn't know what to say. He heard his mother's voice, loud and clear on the device and it is enough to bring back his tears.

"Baby? Are you okay? I'll go there right now. And don't worry, I'll bring peaches." Kuchel must have heard his sobs.

"Yes, please." Levi begged, desperately needing his mother by his side. The last one made him smile, he also needs peaches.

Levi curled on his bed, hands both wrapped on his stomach protectively. Fuck titans, fuck paper work, fuck humanities strongest. Levi wanted to stay in this dream forever.

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