Chapter 12

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Levi stared at the peaceful pond in front of him. The park was empty, except for the squirrels in the trees and the three ducks that just dipped in the pond.

The raven looked up at the sky, watching as the white clouds drift into the blue sky. How long has it been since he sat down, admiring nature and not worrying about the war humanity had with the Titans? Levi can't recall, he never experienced peace like this even during his childhood days. It is always hectic, always surviving, and never living.

The brunette Alpha came back to him from the small stall near the bench that Levi was settled. "Hey, I bought you some bread," Eren offered.

The raven blinked out of his daze and took the packet of bread that was offered to him. The simple fresh smell of the bread triggered Levi's hungry and he shamelessly munched on it.

Eren smiled at his mate, he took a seat next to Levi and silently enjoying their snack. Eren figured that they needed to take a walk outside and had some fresh air. Levi was edgy and still can't believe in the situation he was. The brunette can't blame him, the raven Omega woke up and discovered that he was bonded, pregnant, and his mother was alive. It was a rollercoaster for both of them and he decided to enjoy the new world that they are currently in.

Also, Eren had been reading the pregnancy books that he found in the house, he wanted to be ready and look after his Captian. He learned that Levi needed a decent amount of excises and some fresh air to prevent any type of stress on the Omega. In their bedroom window, one can see the small park below, Eren first checked it out. When he deemed that it was safe and peaceful for his Captian, Eren pleaded for the Omega to get off of the bed and join him in the park.

It seems that visiting the park helped Levi from sorting thoughts. Eren noticed that the raven relaxed at the calm atmosphere of nature. Since Kuchel Ackerman left, the raven remained in bed, deep in thought and not uttering a single word. But now, with the new scenery, Levi seemed to processed what's happening.

Levi finished his snack first, licking his fingers at the filling that managed to spill on his fingers. It's unsanitary but he can't help it, the filling was delicious, unlike the bland bread and soup that they always had at Reckon. Pulling some wipes on his little bag, he cleaned his hands. Then he paused and blurted. "Is this what it feels like to live in a world where there are no titans? And everything is advance?"

"I... thinks so, it's nice and peaceful," Eren smiled. He admitted that he was a little nervous to set foot out of the house again, thinking that they'll be Titans around. Plus, he doesn't know some of the people.

"Is this what it felt like to be bonded to my mate?" Levi turned to him.

"It's.... pretty crazy, right?" Eren gave me a forced smile. But there is something important that they should talk about. Their feelings have to wait a while. "Levi, I don't know what happened. I saw you died."

Levi flinched. Recalling the 'foreshadowing' that Hange kept buzzing about. "Then what happened?"

"I remembered that we were losing, I can't transform. Then a Titan came and held me in its grasp, it was going to eat me then... I woke up here." Eren turned to him. "Sleeping next to a pregnant Levi, but he belonged to this world. He even thought I was acting strangely. Then I discovered my parents were alive. I met Armin, Mikasa, a guy named Farlan, and the other one was called Isabelle."

"Farlan and Isabelle are alive?!" Levi gasped, his eyes started to water. Not only his mother is alive, his friends as well. He can't believe anything that's happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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