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  Bryant turned and made his way back to the couch where he sat a friendly distance away from Jess, but not before sliding off his shoes and taking a nice, warm blanket from the back of the recliner.

"Alright, what are we gonna watch? No Disney movies this time, please," he pleaded.

She softly smiled as she eyed the menu, scrolling through the thousands of movies and TV shows that Netflix had to offer.

"Mm, I was thinking about throwing on some New Girl and taking a 10-hour nap," she shrugged.

"Fair enough. Put on Pepperwood, that's the best episode," he said in response. Moments later Jess glanced over at him to see that was intently staring at his phone with a great amount of focus beading in his eyes. Curiosity struck her and she spoke before she thought. "Hm, is that a girlfriend you're texting?"

He looked up almost immediately. Jess smiled inwardly, she always appreciated that he refused to speak to someone while he was looking at his phone. He'd told her that he felt as it was dishonoring himself and the other person if he were to do so.

The slightest grin broke out from his lips as he set his phone down beside him and he began to speak with the naturally relaxed tone that could always be found in his voice.

"Far from it. That was my assistant from work, Joseph. He was asking about some cases that I'd given to him to work on for the new quarter."

"Oh.. sorry that I asked so abruptly. Curiosity got the best of me there," she admitted. He simply dismissed it with a release of breath from his nose and a hand gesture that portrayed that it was no big deal.

"While we're on the subject actually, how are things with you and Nolan?"
He questioned.

"Nathan," she corrected, "And it's going well. I'm happy with him."

"Happy," he repeated. "Sounds boring."

"What do you mean?" Jess asked, genuinely perplexed by his statement.

"I don't know.. I just think there should be more to a relationship than happiness. I mean aren't you crazy about one another? Happy.. just sounds so bland. And normal."

Doubts creeped into Jess's mind, but quickly pushed them away as she spoke. "And how would you know? What with all the experience you have in the one relationship you've been in?"

Jess was stepping into dangerous territory and she knew better than to push Bryant's buttons, but what he'd said was starting to upset her the more she thought about it.

Sadness clouded his eyes and he let out a short sigh. "I guess you're right. What do I know?"

She knew how much he'd been hurt after his last relationship ended, and she quickly felt the guilt coming.

"Sorry... I— what you said threw me off.. I'm sorry. Look, we only just started dating, there's something there. It's too soon to say I love him or even that I'm crazy about him. I like him a lot, B"

"It's okay, Jess. I'm sorry too," He stated. His mood seemed to have shifted and only he was aware of the façade he had to put on for what he was about to say.

"If you're happy, I'm happy," he said.

After a few moments of silence, Jess nooded her head and found her way on the menu to the episode that he'd suggested and pressed Play. Both of them falling asleep in due time after the fulfilling day they'd had.


hi loves!!! sorry it took so long to get this up. and im also sorry this is such a short chapter but it's what i have drafted and i wanted to have something up. this wasnt rushed. ive been busy with school and honestly i just haven't had motivation to write. sorry for the wait! anyways AHH!! this book hit 8k reads. that is iNSANE. i didnt think a silly book i was writing for fun would be read to this extent. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!

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