My mom died, my five brothers became overprotective then i was kidnapped 7

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Hi guys did i tell you that i wnt to greece in the summer? no well in did i was so cool

heres the next part of the story hope u like it



Vickie's POV

All of a sudden David (My dad but I call him by his name cause I don't like him) came down the stairs "Listen hear young lady you will apologise to me and your mum and -"

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, YOU BOTH MEAN NOTHING TO ME SO LEAVE ME ALONE GEEZ" I walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up luckily I didn't get any blood on my clothes so I don't have to change. When I was done I come out of the bath room and grabbed my coat "Where do you think you're going young lady you will come back here right-"

"STUT UP" I screamed "when will get it the I DON'T care about you or your RUDDY new family, you are no longer part of my life so stop pretending you are, don't EVER speak to me again I HATE YOU AND I WOULD SO LEAVE RIGHT NOW BUT I PROMISED SOMEONE I THAT I WOULD STAY FOR A MONTH BUT UNTIL I LEAVE YOU AND YOUR WIFE AND DAUGTERS STAY OUT MY WAY" hmph geez why do people have to get on my nerves.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT" that was the first part of his response the second part took me off guard; David slapped me hard across my face. That hurt like a bitch but I didn't cry, I never cry (in public anyway) I rubbed my now saw cheek. "You've had that coming for a long time"

"OMG DAVID YOU CAN'T DO THAT" screeched Brat mum where did she come from.

"I can do whatever I please" while he was distracted I slapped him back he had that coming "BRAT COME HERE" he grabbed me by my shirt a threw me into the wall "DAD STOP" yelled Terry

"Oh shut up, like you've never done it to me before" I sneered at Terry he looked taken back then I realised David and Brat mum (I still don't know her name) where gone and in their place was the twins looking slutty as always "Ha look sis looks like dad finally come to his senses a gave up on the emo" that it forget my brothers I'll beat her nose off her face myself I pounced on her and was on top of her she looked scared and I started to punch her "Bitch" Punch... "Don't ever" punch "Speak" punch "to me" punch "AGAIN" punch... she was just lying there trying to shield her face from my punches the but it didn't work, then I felt 2 pairs of hands try hold me back "Stop"

"NO" I wrapped my legs around her neck so as the boys were dragging me away she was coming with me

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.OMG I BROKE A NAIL" you have got to be kidding me. A nail a stupid nail "Oh shut up you little troll you can get I glued back on with superglue... if you want, I could do it for you?" I asked still strangling her with my legs.

"Vickie stop"

"NO, hmm... well I'll stop on 3 conditions?"

"Pfft, fine what?" that made smile

"Mmm kay... 1 I want brand new skate board" did I tell that I love to skate, Mike taught me cool huh? Anyway "2 we all miss out school today and 3 you get me a umm... PUPPY Rottweiler"

"What no-" I cut terry off by giving him a death glare "Fine" he mumbled yay me... but first I gotta kill Barbie. Only joking... or was I... DUN DUN DUN =D


hi did you likee it btw i'm trying to come up with cast so give me ideas





My mom died, my five older became overprotective, then i was kidnnapedWhere stories live. Discover now