my mom died my 5 bros became overprotective then i was kidnapped 3

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Hi this is cahp 3 whitch i lost then found like chap 2 so here it is  



Vickie's POV  

Ahh, my head hurts like a bitch what happened? Then memories came flooding back to me. "TERRY GET ME OUT OF HERE...NOW" I could feel myself moving where was I, oh yeah a truck. I opened my mouth to scream put a strong hand covered my mouth. I elbowed the person in the stomach and they groaned then I made out 7 dark figures in the dark damn. "Wow she is a feisty one"  


"Right here lil princess" oh. God he sounded very close  

"I'm not your princess so just take me back to my brothers"  

"but I am your brother and you always liked me better than them so what changed" he acted as if he was so innocent it made me sick.  

"YOU, you changed Terry. Maybe if you didn't beat me up or do what you done you would still be part of the family" I felt tears forming in my eyes and they were treating to spill, damn hormones. I warm hand wiped my tears away, why was Terry of all people caring for me "Look Vick I didn't mean to hurt you I was... drunk at the time and didn't know what I was doing, I'm so sorry, I would take it back if I could"  

"But that's the thing... you can't, and if you're sorry then why can't you take me back?"  

"well its not that easy Dad wants to see you and I have to take you to him, he thinks you should live with him and his family, he thinks that the boys are irresponsible and not be allowed to look after you"  

"WHAT?!?! So now all of a sudden he wants to care about me after 6 years, the man couldn't even keep in contact... and what family?"  

"Umm... yeah... he got remarried and has 2 step daughter, my step sisters but don't worry I'll look after you"  

"NO you won't I want to go to my REAL home with my REAL family not so fake blond haired bimbo step mum and sisters"  


"Umm... Vickie, how did you know they were fake and blond?" This question caught me off guard "Umm... I don't know... lucky guess" the truth was I had researched him online the internet is very useful sometimes. That's when I saw that he was married to some 'Plastic Chic' "Yeah right, anyway I will let that one slide, they are not that bad if you think about it, look on the bright side..." "WHAT BRIGHT SIDE. My mom dies, I get 5 older overprotective brothers (make that six) then I get kidnapped my one of them and told to live with some NEXT family I hardly know"

"They are your family... well... kinda your family, dad is your family"

"Na-ah, not anymore" I was ready to argue all day. Terry opened his mouth to say something but the truck came to a stop and a deep voice said "we're here" "Great" I said *note sarcasm* "What's this gonna be like, I'm not going inside" "Ohh yes you are" hmm if he thinks I am his got another thing coming.

"I'll make you a deal I get 2 conditions and so do you but they can't be the opposite too mine. Deal?"

"Fine, shoot"

"Okay...  1st I stay a month and if I like it there I'll stay  2nd If those Sluts mess me around you will back me up"

"Agreed" he sighed

"Yess" I said dragging out the 's'

"Ah ah ah wait one minute missy. I still get my 2 conditions" I didn't like where this was going "no.1: do NOT be fooled by the boy's games" Huh what boy's okay I'm confused "no.2 you will try your best to be nice to the twins?"

"URGG geez what's up with dudes these days" 

"Nothing" and with that he slung me over his shoulder

"HEY WHATS THE BIG IDEA?!?! PUT ME DOWN... NOW!" I was thumping his back it didn't affect him grrrr so instead I tried to strangle and it worked I made my way to his back while he was distracted so I was now sitting on his back he was chocking and it was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing, I was laughing so much that I actually fell off his back "Ahem" someone cleared their throat I looked up to see one of the fakest chic's I have ever seen. She had Bleached Blond hair shoulder length, with ugly bogey green eyes, breast the size of watermelons, and you could tell she was a slut and the way she dressed didn't help: She was wearing a tight hot pink boob-tube and a white MAYJOR mini skirt with 5 inch hot pink heals. She looked like a... like a... "Barbie" yeah like a Barbie... wait... her name is Barbie I couldn't help but snigger.

"What are you sniggering at emo... Anyway what are you doing at MY house?" she looked me up and down as if I was some homeless guy

"You mean MY dad's house" I said venom dripping off each word her face was priceless "Your David's daughter no wonder he left you for my mother" this bitch will pay for that I was about to say something but then my dad walked outside "I see you've meet Barbie" Who names their child Barbie she must have high at the time hehe. "Yeah and she seems so lovely I think we're gonna be great friends" she looked horrified she was about to protest but I pulled her into a massive bear hug and whispered in her ear "Listen hear bitch, don't you ever bring my REAL family in to this I have 6 older brothers that came beat that pretty little nose of your right off your face so don't EVER piss me off" when I pulled back she looked like she had seen a ghost hehe she shouldn't get in my again this should be fun.


URG sooooooooo tired night peeps  



My mom died, my five older became overprotective, then i was kidnnapedWhere stories live. Discover now