Part 1

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My name is Saralyn. I'm a 22 old years girl and this is my story. A story of a girl who saw her life change in every possible way.

The sun is shining outside the huge window on the other side of the wall. I'm lying on my bed with my headphones on, listening to my favourite song. I love to just stay like this with my eyes closed. It's my way to let go on everything and just escape. I'm already buried so deep in my thoughts, that I don't even hear the knock on my bedroom door. Finally, after the person outside almost broke the door to get in, I put my headphones off and walk to open the door.

"Saralyn are you deaf? It's been 10 minutes of me shouting like crazy!"

"Sorry Tony I had my headphones on. What can I help you with?" I say to him with an apological look on my face.

"Doesn't matter... Meet me in the main room in 5." He tells me before turning around to leave.

I close my door and sigh. Great I just pissed off the closest person I have to a father.

I've been living in the Avenger tower with the entire team for several years now. Tony found me when I was at my worst, meaning living on the street after my parents kicked me out. They discovered my special "gift" as everyone calls it. It turns out that I can control the water and most specifically ice. Yes, I know what you are thinking, I'm a little bit like Elsa in the Disney movie Frozen. My parents were scared of me because I couldn't control my powers and I couldn't blame them for it. The avengers took me in without any fear or prejudice. They helped me control my powers and use them to help and save people in need. That's how I became a part of the team. But despite this, I always find myself craving for my real parents. I loved them so much and I like to think that maybe one day, I'm going to see them again.

Following Tony's request, I start heading for the living room. When I enter, I see the entire team already waiting. I sneak up to Banner who I fell the most comfortable speaking with. It's not that I don't like the others, on the contrary I really love and share a great friendship with everyone. It's just that Banner is a very reserved person like me. We both like to just watch things from the corner and stay quiet until we really want to say something.

"Hey Banner!" I smile at my friend.

"Oh, hello Saralyn" he answers with a nervous expression.

"What is happening?" I ask worried about the tension I feel in the room.

"Today is THE day. Thor is bringing his brother Loki back on earth and we are going to have babysitting duty" he explains.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot about that!"

After Loki tried to conquer Earth or Midgard as they call it, he was send back with Thor to Asgard in order to get the punishment he deserves. Unfortunately for the avengers, Odin decided to send Loki back on Earth to work with us and help saving people. We are the one who needs to make sure that he behaves. He's going to stay with us until Odin can trust him again. To make this short, everyone on the team is really pissed off. I can't complain about it yet because I didn't have the pleasure to meet the dark god in person. I was sent to a mission in Europe during the battle of New York.

Suddenly, a bright light shines from the sky and we can see the figures of the two gods standing outside on the balcony. As they enter, I notice how different the two brothers actually are. Thor is blond and very tall and muscular. Loki on the other hand has dark long curled hair falling on his shoulders. His figure is skinnier but still athletic.

I barely listen to Thor introducing everyone, until my turn comes. I suddenly see Loki's icy blue eyes looking right back at me and it send shivers down my spine. He looks like a predator ready to hunt his prey. I feel like he can read into my entire soul and it makes me really uneasy.

"... and this is Lady Saralyn. She has the power to manipulate water and more specifically, ice. I can see Loki's eyebrows slightly raise by hearing my "gift". A mischievous smirk playing on his lips. I decide to ignore the fear I start to feel and try my best to give him a genuine smile in return.


My thoughts are still spinning around as we head back to our rooms. My first encounter with the God of Mischief makes me confuse. The more I think about his piercing blue eyes full of hatred, the more I feel a deep pain inside my chest. It's like I can see the hurt hiding deep down inside him and it fills me with sadness. That's when I decide to give him a chance. 

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