Part 7

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I still feel a little bit groggy as I wake up in my bed the next morning. Wait, my bed? The last thing I remember is sitting next to Loki in the library. Did he care me back to bed when I was asleep? It seems like the only valuable explanation. The simple thought brings a small smile on my lips. I really am Loki to have the God of Mischief as a friend. There are so many similarities between us, it seems like fate bound us together.

My stomach begins to growl, giving me no choice but to find some food. I jump from the bed, still wearing my jeans and t-shirt from yesterday. I'm immediately greeted by the two men I know I can always count on. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. There are both sitting around the kitchen counter, looking worriedly at the cups of coffee in front of them. The men immediately look up as they hear me enter the room.

"Hey, Saralyn. Look, I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't had let him meet with you without knowing what he really wanted..." Tony starts to apologise.

"It's okay, I know it's not your fault. It was silly of me to think they would ever want me back after all these years. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to finally let go of the past. It still hurts but I know I can move on." I explain. "Now, if you still want me here, I'll be really happy to stay in the avenger compound for a little longer" I say with a shy smile, looking at the ground.

I suddenly feel Tony coming closer, engulfing me in a fatherly hug. I return his embrace, holding on to him for comfort.

"You know you're always welcome here, kiddo" he whispers kissing my temple. I turn my head to lock eyes with Bruce, still sitting on his chair, looking at us with a shy but still loving smile on his face.


"Aaaand dodge!" Steve orders, as I lower my head to doge is last punch.

"Great job, Saralyn!" he exclaims as I look up at him with a shaky breath. Steve was kind enough to train me in hand in hand combat, in order to help me recover. I met with him after my breakfast and we've been training for hours now. My body is covered in sweat and I'm starting to feel weak again.

"We trained enough for today. It's only been a few weeks and you're still not as strong as you'd like to be. You need to be careful. You're not completely healed yet." He says in a fatherly voice, leading me to a nearby bench. We both take a sip of water while looking at the other agents training around the room.

"Tell me, Saralyn. Why is Loki reading in the training room today?" Steve finally asks me. I turn my head to look at the god, sitting near the window with a book in hand, oblivious at his surroundings.

"I don't know, Cap'. Why don't you just ask him?" I reply with a shrug.

"Doesn't matter." Steve mutters. I roll my eyes at him while getting up to talk with Loki, Steve following close behind.

"Hey, Loki! What are you doing in the training room? Afraid someone's going to harm me? I knew you were a real prince charming" I tease him.

"Don't give yourself so much credit, mortal." He responds, in his typical annoyed voice. He slowly put his book on his lap, to look at us. "Apparently, my brother is afraid I won't be able to fight when the time will come." He explains while waving his hand in despise. "He asked me to spend more time in the training room and that's exactly what I'm doing" he smirks mischievously.

The caring and emotional Loki is already gone, replaced by the cold and bored black hair god. He may act like this in front of other people but I know the true Loki.

"Maybe you should take your brother's advice more seriously. It would be such a pity for you if I kick your ass during a training session" I tease him with a fake pitiful expression.

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