Part 2

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All the avengers are sitting around the table for breakfast the next morning. Everyone except Banner who decided to go to his lab earlier and Loki who was nowhere to be seen.

"I have a bad feeling about all this. Are your sure this is a good idea Thor? I can't trust your psychotic brother after what he did to my building!" Tony exclaims.

"You mean the entire city" Steve pops in while narrowing his eyes at the billionaire.

"Yeah, yeah" Tony replies, waving his hand in an arrogant manner.

"You should not worry my friends" Thor says in his typical booming voice. "My brother is really trying to change and I assure you that no harm will come to anyone" he affirms with a huge confident smile.

"You better be right, Pointbreak, or you'll be paying for your brother's mess the next time" Tony threats the god while pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Guys, just stop being so dramatic!" I cut off the conversation in an exasperate voice. "We all know that Loki did bad things"

"You think killing so many people in a so short amount of time can only be called a 'bad thing'?" Natasha states while raising her eyebrows in disbelief.

"The point is..." I continue ignoring her comment "that Loki has indeed a dark past, but we all do. The only thing that matters now is who he wants to be in the future. I think we should give him a second chance and see if he's going to take it. Speaking of him like the worst killer isn't going to help anyone. Don't forget that he was probably under the influence of a creepy purple alien. All I'm asking for is to try and be civilised. You don't need to be become his BFF but please just give him a chance to show us the real Loki, Thor constantly talked about. Now if you'll excuse me, Banner is waiting for me in his lab." I finish my little speech and leave the room, not seeing the illusion of the black hair god standing in the dark corner of the room starting to disappear.


"I can't get it! Why are they already despising him? I mean, I'm a freaking mutant and there didn't mind trusting me at all!" I continue to complain to Banner.

I'm currently sitting in the laboratory, a syringe in my arm as Bruce tries to extract some blood in order to run some tests.

"When you first came here, you hadn't killed thousands of people already." He simply states, before looking at the computer, waiting for the results.

"I know but don't we all have done bad things before we arrived? I mean Natasha was a Russian spy, Tony was the one selling mass destruction weapons... Even Steve killed a lot of people during the war. And I... I almost killed my entire family, because I couldn't control my powers. A swell as you." I conclude almost in a whisper. "But we decided to put our past aside and help people. Why can't they let Loki do the same?" I finally ask.

"You know Saralyn, Loki was the first one who directly decided to attack them. They fought against each other and that doesn't play for his favour. You weren't involved into this so, it makes sense that you're willing to give him a chance but.... Believe me when I say, this guy can't be trusted. I saw his mad face as he looked around the dying people. You need to be careful." Banner warns me, looking me straight in the eyes, something he never did before.

I can't find the right response to this statement. I know I wasn't there when New York was attacked but I continue to think there is more behind this attack. I believe Loki wasn't just working for the purple alien, named Thanos. Everyone wants to deny the fact that he could be under his influence. And by that, I mean that the alien literally controlled him, by any sort of threat. We are talking about the darkest and strongest living being of the entire galaxy after all. I could see so much hurt behind Loki's eyes, that I can only imagine the nightmare he must have endured during the time he spend with Thanos.

"That's not possible!" Bruce suddenly exclaims, bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I ask slightly starting to panic as he continues to watch the screen.

"Your results. It seems like your body is mutating again." He states, while tapping on the keyboard, searching for any other explanation.

"What?! No! It can't be. I mean, I didn't even felt something." I desperately try to make him change his mind.

"It seems like your body just stopped aging." He continues, ignoring my comment.

"Are you telling me I'm immortal?" I shout, my panic getting the best of me.

"No, you're not. You can be hurt or killed like any other human being. It just looks like you don't age like you're supposed to. Apparently, you'll be able to live far more than just hundred years."

"How long exactly?" I ask in a blank voice.

"I can't tell. Maybe more like thousands of years? I need to do run more tests." He explains in his scientific voice.

I look at the wall in front of me, trying to register this new information as well as her consequences.

"I know this is a lot." Banner says, while squeezing my hand for comfort. "Maybe we should leave it for today. Go back to your room and try to calm down." He advises in a fatherly voice.

I just nod to this, unable to find the right words to describe my feelings.

I jump off of my seat to exit the lab, my head filled with thoughts after this unexpected revelation.

"Saralyn?" Bruce suddenly calls back to me.

"Yes?" I ask turning around to face him again.

"Promise me you'll be careful. We still don't know if Loki can be trust. I don't want you to get hurt." He confesses in a soft voice.

I slightly smile at him before answering "I promise". I turn around to leave the room, hiding my crossed fingers behind me as I enter the elevator. 

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