Part 3

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I turn around in my bed for what seems like the thousand time tonight. It's almost midnight but I still can't sleep. I stand up to make myself a cup of Tea. I enter the kitchen rubbing my eyes, with my pyjama still on. I yawn as I wait for the water to boil, don't bothering to turn up the light.

"Trouble sleeping, mortal?" I can't help but scream at the sudden voice whispering just behind me. I turn around to see Loki standing just a few feet away from me.

"Afraid of the dark?" He chuckles lightly, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I would be lying if I say I'm not internally freaking out right now. It's the first time I find myself in the same room as Loki without anyone around. He takes a step closer to me and I can't help but take a step back.

"Or are you afraid of something else?" he continuous to tease me. The moonlight makes him look like a huge shadow hovering over me, waiting for the right moment to attack. My heartbeat increase, like a prey knowing that she's going to get killed by any moment.

I take a deep breathe to study myself. I'm an avenger for god's sake. I'm not letting anyone (even a God) making me feel so powerless. Besides, I've already decided to help him and not let the other's warnings impact me.

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to make myself some tea. Do you want some?" I ask in the most genuine tone I can handle right now. I hope he doesn't notice my slightly shaky voice.

He narrows his eyes at me, probably evaluating if I'm trying to poison him.

"No, thank you" he replies in such a smoothie voice that it just feels like an insulting comment.

"As you wish!" I reply, turning around again to prepare my own cup. I can't help but feel nervous. Turning my back to him is literally the worst thing I could do right now but I want to show him that I trust him (or kind of).

"What about you? Aren't you supposed to be asleep as well?" I ask turning around to face him again.

"I don't need to sleep. I'm not a mortal" He responds with an annoying look on his face, spitting the last word like an insult.

I decide to simply ignore it and take a sip of my tea.

"I like to read when I have troubles sleeping, you know" I advise him.

"Really?" he says in a bored voice. "The problem is, there isn't any single book in this thing you call a building." He says starting to walk away.

"That's because you don't know where to find some" I shoot back at him.

He stopes dead in his tracks.

"And you do?" he asks turning around to study my face with his cold blue eyes.

"Oh, I certainly do!" I smirk at him before heading for the elevator, my cup of tea still in hand.


"Welcome to my private little library!" I exclaim, gesturing for him to enter.

He slowly puts one feet in front of another until he reaches the middle of the room. I see his eyes scanning his surroundings, starting by the huge window in front of us, before moving slightly to the bookshelves along the wall containing thousands of books. They are a few couches in the middle of the room where he is currently standing. After a few minutes that felt like hours to me, Loki still doesn't say anything.

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