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A/n- Hey guys, sorry for the sudden edits, but I'm adding new characters to the cast and a few new songs. I would've changed it by now, but feel free to check it out!


1 Year Later

"Hey Harry?! Can you send the coordinates of the thief's head quarters to my phone? And please tell me that you brought food." She said  swinging her way out while calling her best friend.

"Sure, and yes, I brought some food. Just don't expect more food if you came late. And be careful, those thief's have some pretty nasty looking weapons." He said while opening his laptop and typing some codes

"Thank you so much! I swear I would be dead without you!" She said. She landed on one of the buildings near her and looked at her phone. "Aren't you already dead in the inside?" He joked. "Haha, good one. But thanks anyway" she started to swing again.

"No problem! That is what the man in the chair does. And they said people like us is no use. HAH! Just you see when all the man in the chairs went M.I.A someday. Them superheroes would freak out." He said as he leaned on his computer chair.

"Okay Mr. Showoff, the headquarters isn't that far. Only 1 km from here. They better not hurt that poor girl or else." She said while started to swing again.

"Go get em girl! Show them what you got! I want a full report after this okay?" He told her.

"Okay. Now stop calling me, I'm trying to swing here." She said to him. After a few seconds the call ended and she was surrounded by the city sounds.

Her suit was really low budget, considering she made that herself with a little bit of help of Harry. (A/n Just imagine peter's first suit in civil war or homecoming but with white and pink colors instead)

She remembered the first time she noticed her powers with Harry.

"Harry, I think I found the materials they used in the webs!" She screamed in delight.

Harry, who was previously sleeping got up. Trying to walk between the ocean of equations and physics stuff. "Wait really?!" He said in a sleepy tone.

"No shit sherlock, now look at this? The web can carry very heavy objects without making it snap!" She said as she tested her own reincarnation of the web.

Suddenly she felt a sting on her neck and welped. "Edrea, you okay? What happened?" Harry asked with a concerned tone in his voice as he stared at her.

"I don't know, I think something just bit my neck. Can you check on it?" She asked a favor to him.

He puts her hair to the side and screamed quietly. "What is it?" She asked him. He quickly pulled the thing that had bitten Edrea, that is now dead. "I- Is- Isn't that the spider from the lab?!" He freaked out.

It was true. The spider was identical to the one in the lab. "Shit, shit, shit, shit" she said to herself. She looked at the place where she felt the sting. The would swollen a bit and was a shade of purple.

"Great, now how am I going to tell this to my parents?" She said while seeing the mark. "Just use make up like they do for hickeys." He said casually. She send him a pillow right into his face and glares at him.

"I'm worry on what will happen though. It was marked contagious wasn't it?" He asked her. She just look to herself in the mirror. "I'm just praying that bad things wouldn't happen to me." She said while stretching her body.

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