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"What about the guards?" Edrea asked while she hang upside down on the top of Oscorp Industries. "I've hacked the system like last time. But now, we have much more time to do the stuff. Sorry I couldn't go with you. Dad wanted me to stay home." Harry said with full of shame.

"It's okay. Your dad would probably know that you sneak out. We couldn't risk the chance of exposing you. Besides, I'm using a mask. What could happen?" Things can happen in a book though Edrea thought.

"Take the left window, second row from the top. Guards can't see you there and they just passed the hallway. Quick" He said. She quickly runs to the edge of the building and webbed the edge, using the momentum of the swing to break the glass.

The hallway was just around the corner of the room that has the spiders in it. She ran without making any noises and open the lab door with a card that Harry made.

"I'm in. Now I'm going to hang up. I'll call you when I'm finish." She spoked to the phone. Before Harry got the chance to reply, she already hung up.

"Typical Edrea" Harry said as he lean back at the chair. He was glad he was helping his friend, but he was also worry. His dad is going to kill him if he found out he helped Spider Girl broke into his dad's lab. But this was for the greater good.

Meanwhile, Edrea was already in the system. Harry already texted her the password to the main computer. She didn't took off her mask like people usually do in movies so her cover won't get blown.

She felt her spidey senses blaring but when she look behind her, it was too late. There he was standing, non other than Norman Osborn. "What are you doing here spidey?!" He shouted. He was about to push the alarm button but Edrea quickly webbed his hands to the nearest chair.

"I'm sorry Mr. Osborn, but according to the facts, another super hero was born the same way as I did. You were lucky that the man who got bitten was a good man and used his powers for good. What would happen if this fell into the wrong hands. I'm sorry Mr. Osborn but I'm going to need to put down this project." She exclaimed.

As soon as she stopped talking, the whole data about the project was deleted. She then pull out an acid from her hoodie pocket and pour it all out to the webs, effectively killing the spiders. When she look at where Norman was webbed, he wasn't there anymore. Instead she saw him throwing a ball with a green light coming out from it.

She realized that it was a bomb and tried to carry it out as soon as possible. But she was too late. As she breaks the glass, the bomb exploded, ruining the three top highest floors foundation. She shrieked and saw Norman that was in clinging to the door frame.

I know that scream, But could it be? He looked so hurt. She didn't said a word. She quickly jumped out of the  window and used her web to break in to the lower floor window and tried to save as many people as she could.

The floors that got effected was the highest floor, second highest floor, and third highest floor. She already rescued the third and second floor. There was 30 people in total. Harry already informed before leaving his house that the highest floor was empty according to the database.

But then  she remembered, her parents wasn't at home. And if they were going to work late, they will inform the AI that they weren't there so they won't cause norman any worry.

She quickly webbed herself up to the highest floor, not caring that her suit was burned in a few places. Just a little closer she thought as she reached the fifth highest floor. But suddenly, an explosion was heard. She let out a loud gasp as the building foundation for the three highest floors collapse. She screamed as she went to the remaining of the floors.

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