💔A life without each other...💔

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what is happening with Edd, Matt, Tord or Tom are no related with each other, so what happens with one does not exist in the other unless mentioned.


(your POV but it might change into third person)

I suddenly awoke with a huge headache and a wave of pain through my legs. I rubbed my eyes and stood up from where I was laying, the last thing I remember was.......N-never mind. I felt tears poke at the corner of my eyes, how could I forget? I cut my thoughts off as I looked around the room I was in. There was a heart monitor along with a small TV in front of the bed I was laying on, there was also a small chair near the bed. The walls where clear white and the windows curtains where tied back to let light in the blank room. I then realised that I in fact was in...the hospital. It was his fault. HE DID THIS TO ME! *creaaaaak* 

The obvious noise had grabbed my attention towards the door, and standing there was a boy. He wore a royal blue hoodie with a pair of black jeans (oh no! guess who it is XD) he had spiky caramel brown hair along with black voids as his eyes. 'wtf.....is this guy human?' The boy chuckled and approached me, he then sat down on the chair near me. "Don't worry, I am human" he laughed once more and honestly it kind of made you sneak a little giggle. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you and what are you doing here?" the boy looked a little sad but answered me since I have the right to know this. Right?

"Well, my name is Thomas Ridgewell and I'm here because....." Tom then nervously shifted around until he spoke again "I'm your assistant since you had an accident and y-your legs just need to heal before you could walk again" you wondered why he stuttered but eventually shrugged it off. "Oh. You seem like a cool person so I'm happy" you smiled at Tom in a kind gesture and he smiled too. "say, how come you have no eyes?" you asked curiously "I do b-but their just my pupils. They are so big you can't see the colour and it just looks like there's nothing there" he spoke. You were amazed and so interested in this conversation and tried to keep it up by asking him random questions. You really liked this Tom dude. He helped you forget all about Edd and you were damn glad about it.

(meanwhile with Edd also his POV)

I felt like I could literally kill myself right now, it should have been ME getting ran the fu*k OVER!!! Out of all the people it had to be Y/N. I'm a monster! I couldn't forgive myself, I never will. I kept pacing back and forth across the room occasionally punching something in anger. How could I not have ran after her?! I'm such a..............I'm......hurt. I'm hurt and I can't take it anymore! 

I had gone to visit her at the hospital, and stayed there day and night until she would wake up but the doctors told me to go home and rest for a while then I could come back and see her again. This was all a misunderstanding, if only she didn't run away I would have told her that the girl is my sister (idk if thats weird but from wut I can remember, I didn't make them do anything physical...I think). She would have understood and she would have forgiven me and everything would BE NORMAL BUT NO! I ruined everything!

I rushed downstairs to grab my car keys. I was going back there, I can never leave her side. What if she wakes up and I'm not there for her? I left that question unanswered and ran into the car, driving off as the house faded away from my sight. (I've got you in my sights!)

-time skip-

 once I got to the hospital, I went into the reception and told the lady there that I had to go see Y/N, ASAP! The lady allowed me to go after she got some quick information about me and I ran to her once again. When I got to her room I was about to open the door when I heard her laugh. I froze........Instead I tried to look through the window with blinds and found a little gap to look through. I gasped at the sight. It was Tom.................and by the looks of it she enjoyed his company. My heart broke into the last few pieces. I dropped my head and started to cry right there and there.

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