Best Day Ever!

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~Ohm p.o.v~

I close the door behind me and flop down on the bed. I look over at CaRtOoNz as he sleeps soundly in the bed across the room. I slowly start to drift off to sleep when Y/N opens the door quietly. She slowly walks over to me and taps my shoulder."I need you two to come with me quietly." she whispered to me then walked over to CaRtOoNz and wakes him up. "Why do we have to be quiet?" I asked. "Because we have to go or you two are dead." she replied. We followed her out the door and made a left down the darkened hallway away from the center stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "One of the safest places I know." she answered. We make our way through the dark rooms of the building and to the a secret door that leads outside. We're greeted by Jordan on the other side. "How you feeling Luke?" he asked. "Much better thanks to you two." CaRtOoNz replies with a smile and wink to Y/N. "Your welcome." they replied together. They smiled at each other then look at the guns behind them. "I assume you two know how to use a sniper rifle." Jordan explains and we nod our heads. "Good because you two are going to join us and this time we're blowing shit up." she said with an evil smile. Jordan handed us each a rifle and some ammo mags.

"I want you guys to keep the guns. Take them as a gift from me." he states and we thank him in return. We all head for the tree line when Y/N and Jordan stopped and turned towards the building. They aimed their guns at the house and fired at something in two of the windows. Suddenly the house burst into flames creating a cloud of smoke. "That won't distract them long but it will distract them long enough for us to get our destination." she said grabbing our attention. We ran straight through the woods and into the city. We make it to our destination and make a plan. "Here's the plan, three of these building have explosives on them. I will light a whistling firecracker and shoot it towards the top of the buildings getting the attention of the enemies around them. When the firecracker burst, you three will shoot the explosives at the same time sending all three buildings into a flaming nightmare." she explained to us. We nodded our heads and got into position. We took aim at the explosives and waited for the boom. Once the firecracker burst we all shot at our assigned target and watched as the burning buildings fell apart. 

"How come Vanoss won't let us do stuff like this?" CaRtOoNz asked as he placed the rifle on his back. "Because he's your boss and he doesn't want things to get messy so you should listen to him." she replied almost instantly. "Y/N, someone is calling for you." Jordan said handing her his phone. "Hello?" she answered. We couldn't hear the person on the other end but the way she responded to them made it seem like they were worried. "Ohm, can I ask you something? asked Jordan. "Uhh...Sure." I answered. "Does something seem off with Y/N?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I think something maybe wrong. She's been disappearing a lot more than she normally does." he replied. I looked at Y/N as she walked back over to us and smiled. 

"Jordan, can you take them back to my place, I have somewhere to be." she explained as she handed Jordan the phone then vanished into the night. We pack up and head to Jordans car which was parked at the bottom of the hill. "Let's get you guys home." he says as we get into the car and drive off down the road. I look into the sky and see large clouds of smoke. "Why did we blow up those buildings?" I asked. "We needed to cause a distraction so Y/N could carry on with the rest of her mission which is why she left." he answered. 

"Where did she go?" asked CaRtOoNz. "She went back to the house we just blew up, she has a secret spot where she kept all the important things like the money our crew had saved up in case of emergencies like this. By blowing up those three buildings, Shaun and all his men were drawn away from the house, giving Y/N enough time to grab the stuff and go." he replied. I believe there is something wrong with her but I don't know exactly what it is or what to do about it. I just don't know what to do. 

~Y/Ns p.o.v~

"Hey Simone, I know your sleeping so I need you to call me back as soon as you get your coffee tomorrow morning but wait until Marcel leaves. I don't want him to know about anything I'm going to tell you." I left a voicemail. I watched as the men left the burned down house and disappear down the road. I head to the back and open up the shed that hides the entrance of a hidden bunker. I make my way through the kitchen area and into the sleeping area when I hear snoring coming from the back of the room. I walk over and see Kyle sleeping. 

"How did you get down here?" I asked. I kicked the bed and he jumped. "How did you get down here?" I asked again but this time in an angry tone. He stood up slowly and tried walking to me when I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his chest. "Y/N, w-what are you d-doing?" he stuttered. I grinned at the sight of fear in his eyes. "That's not what you should be asking, what you should be asking yourself is why. Like why did I betray my own sister by stealing her money and weapons so I can become best friends with her ex that's trying to kill her. I know what you did Kyle. Why couldn't you just tell me the truth from the start so you wouldn't  of ended up in the position your in now. I wanted to trust you but you've proven unworthy. I know why you came to here to Los Santos, you came to finish what my mother started and just like her, you failed! You're not making it out of here alive, it's time to say goodbye." I replied. Tears formed in his eyes as he watched my grin turn into an evil smile.

"Please Y/N, I can explain." he cried but it was too late. I pulled the trigger and watched as his body fell to the ground. "You won't die immediately, you'll live long enough to see me walk out of here and never comeback for there will be nothing left for anyone." I stated and walked over to the last room. I opened the vault door and grabbed the rest of the stuff from the vault. I closed the vault one last time and looked at Kyle sitting on the ground. "You'll be missed but not by me." was the last thing I said before leaving the bunker. I walked away and never looked back. 

~What have I become?~

The Hearts Flare (H2O Delirious/CaRtOoNz  x reader)Where stories live. Discover now