Chapter 1

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I dedicated this to Poetically-Damaged because his "There a Jock in my Bed" is awesome and I also reference it a little bit in my story. This is an idea I have in my head for a long time. I decide to write tofay. Vote and comment okay!!! 

Shout out to CCBeast for edited this chapter...You go girl!!!

Chapter 1:

You could say that I am Cinderella's Son.

My mother knew my father since they were ten, but she came from a lower-middle class family and he came from a high-upper class family. His family had a big party every weekend in a big mansion, her family served in the party as waiters. They were at a complete different end of a spectrum but somehow, they fell in love. When his family found out about their love, they opposed immediately. They felt that a girl like my mother, who worked hard, was smart and had a kind heart, was not suitable for my father. Still, that did not stop my father from seeing my mother and eventually; they were both seventeen at the time. She was pregnant two months when his family sought her out and gave her an envelope full of money with one condition; she had to leave my father alone. Of course, she declined because she genuinely loved my father and not his money.

That was the last she heard of them. Until the night where he invited her to one of the big party so he could propose to her and introduced her to all the guests and his family that she would be his wife, tragedy happened. My mother found my father in bed with another woman, a woman who had always competed with my mother for my father's attention. Heart broken, she fled the party, came home to her small apartment, packed her stuff, and left without telling my father about me.

Here I was, Jessie McJohnson, sixteen years old and I don't even know my father's name. All I had of him was a picture that my mom took on one of their dates back when they were freshman in high school. When I was just a boy, I used to look at his picture before I went to bed and wondered how he doing, and if he was missing me. It was not until my mother told me the story about their love that I knew he did not have any knowledge about me. I used to try to look for him but then I thought. He was rich, if he wanted to find me and my mom, he would have done it already. So I gave up finding my dad and appreciated what I had with my mom.

My mom, Sally McJohnson, owned a little diner where we lived. Every morning, I would take the bus and went to school in the big city. When I came home, I would help my mom with the diner. The diner did fairly well, as my mom would have said. I also worked part time at a big corporate company as a mail clerk.

My bus was pulling into the stop. I closed my journal, put on my backpack and walked onto the bus. I took my usual seat and leaned my head back to the head rest. I had a bad day. One, my boyfriend of three years just broke up with me because he would not come out to his family, did I mention I was gay? Well, I was and still am. I came out to my mom when I was twelve, she's actually okay with it and supported me every step of the way. Two, I just got another beating from my bullies in school. I always hid my bruises because I knew if my mom found out, she was just going to make the matter worse, I can take pain. Three, one of my fellow mail clerks was on vacation and I had to come early and take over his shift.

The bus stopped, I stepped out and walked two blocks before seeing my mom's diner. When I came in, I saw Renee; she was one of the waitresses in the dinner.

“Hey sweetie how was school today?” Renee asked me.

"Same old, same old," I shrugged. "Where's my mother?"

"She's upstairs, taking a nap." Renee flicked her head upward.

"Thanks..." I smiled and went upstairs to the small apartment my mother and I shared. When I walked to my room I heard a small cry coming out of my mom's room. My mom was crying. I stopped and stood close to the door.

"God I wish you could see him right now. He look so much like you, he has your bluish-gray eyes, your nose, and he acts more and more like you every day...",she let out a cry, "Why are you doing this to us, Jason? Am I not good enough for you? I though we going to spend our life together...."

My eyes dropped down on my foot. Holding back the tears, I walked slowly to my room. I quickly took a shower and changed my clothes. When I dried my blonde hair, I look at myself in the mirror. I was what you would call a typical nerdy kid. I got my head in the book, I wore glasses. I was not athletic at all. I would rather spend time in the library than the lunch room. I hated high school. I could not wait to graduate and get the hell out of there. I was always being picked on, people would call me names and teased me about the fact that I had no father. I had one, he just did not know about me. I quickly put on my work clothes, went out to the kitchen and saw my mom had already started to made dinner.

"Where are you going?" She surprisingly asked, blinking her eyes which were clearly still red from the tears.

"Tom took a vacation and I have to cover for him today...I told you that yesterday Mom..." I whined a little.

"Oh... my bad. Well, have fun and stay out of trouble... "She smiled.

I came up and hugged her. "It's going to be alright, Mom..."

"Since when did you become Oprah?" She joked.

"I'm not Oprah. I'm more Tyra..." I joked back.

She kissed me on the cheek, I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. I went to the bus stop, got on the bus and took my seat. After twenty minutes, the bus stopped, I got off and strolled down the street about five more minutes to the Cassidy Corporate. It was a big shipping company owned by the Cassidy family, at least that's what I know, I was just a mail clerk after all. But I also knew one thing, the only daughter of the now head of the company, Brittany Cassidy was a bitch. She was mean and nasty. I got the "privilege" of going to the same school as she was. She was as bad as it could be. She was spoiled and a brat. She had not bullied me, maybe because I was not worth her time, either way, I took it. The people she bullied end up either transferred or dropped out. She was a piece of work. I tried to stay out of her way because I had enough problems as it was. I got into the building, went by the stairs down to the mail office, punched my card, loaded my mail cart which was twice as much today and began to deliver mail.

I delivered all my section and began to make it to Tom's section. Tom usually delivered mail for the “big boss” as you would call them. I got into an elevator, pressed the floor button. When I got up there, I was in awe. This was so much better than where I delivered. The offices were nicer, bigger and enhanced with a lot more luxury items. I was so taken by the look of the offices that I ran my cart into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry... are you okay?" I was scared; I hurried up and helped him.

"It's okay kid, no harm done." He stood up. Something was very familiar about him.

"I'm so sorry. It's just... this is the first time I get to go up to this floor." I apologized, I was sweating like a pig, I thought I would lose this job.

"It's fine...but try to be more careful next time okay..." he smiled at me to reassure me that it was okay.

He was a very good looking man. He was tall about 6'2", broad shoulder, thick raven hair that was cut short, combed and styled with gel. He was in about his mid-30s, same age as my mother. He was dressed in a very expensive suite that was tailored to him. He looked at me for a second than flashed his eyes at his watch.

"I'm careful next time kid..." He smiled at me, turned on his heel and walked to the elevator.

There was just something about him that I could not put my finger on. Oh well, back to delivering mail.


He walked to the 2012 Cadillac that was waiting for him. There was just something about the kid he just met that troubled him. He jumped in the back seat and signaled for the driver to take him home. The cell phone in his pocket rung suddenly, cutting the silence surrounded him. He took it out and answered.

“Jason Cassidy. Did you find her yet...?” He abruptly asked. “You are! Where is she? I got it.” he turned off his cell phone and sat back in his seat. Leaning his head on the head rest, he took her picture from inside of his suit pocket out, he would not go anywhere without it. Looking at the picture, his eyes full of regret. His eyes filled with tears.

"I finally found you...and this time I will not let you go...Sally...”

He kissed the picture like he kissed it million times before because that was the only way he could get closed to her. He longed to hold her in his arms, to feel her skin and her lips...and he did not have to wait any longer...


I have had this idea in my head long ago and now I decide to write it. Comment and Vote are appreciated. Even though you comment "You suck" I'll probally will say thank you. Hey, how else can I improve.

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