| Bruce Wayne |

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I was gonna find a picture of the Reader's dress, but it's so specific that it's impossible to find it. So, I suggest that you picture the dress details in your head.

Word Count: 3549


*6 Months Later. Wedding Day. *

"I'm getting married... Today."

Your makeup was on point; neat, even and completely natural looking. Mascara made your eyelashes pop and beautifully frame your brown eyes. Nude lipstick was slathered against your plump lips; it was glossy and was shiny in the light.

You looked at your hands. They were pretty looking; the large diamond that your soon-to-be husband gave you sat on your left hand, taking up space on your ring finger. Your fingernails were painted white, your ring fingers had a silver lace pattern overlapping the white, while the rest of them were decorated with diamonds. In your brown palms was your waterfall bouquet, consisting of all your favorite flowers; all white.

You looked up and faced the full body mirror that was standing in front of you. Your dress was gorgeous. Your skirt was made of tulle, with lace laying over it and covering your skirt from the top of your hips to the very bottom. Your train was 5 feet long, perfect for the type of wedding and for you. Long lace sleeves stopped at your wrists and the neckline plunged, it stopped at the bottom of the valley of your breasts, just enough cleavage for a wedding. F/n really did fantastic on your gown. 

Your jewelry was subtle compared to your dress. Your earrings were long and cascading, simply a small line of diamonds going down, before the last 4 on the bottom increased subtly in size. The same thing went for your necklace; it did the same thing and the diamonds stopped in the middle of the valley of your breasts. Your headpiece, also made of diamonds, wrapped around your head, which had slight curls since you let it grow out a tiny bit.

Simply put, you looked beautiful, a beautiful black woman ready to get hitched. Anyone who said different was clearly hating on you.

Despite your bridal appearance, however, you felt as if you were going to die. Your stomach was painfully twisted into a knot. You felt like throwing up, like your chest was about to explode. You knew that this day was going to come, so why were you so nervous?

On your bed was a decorated box. Inside were the various letters that he had sent you in the last 6 months. There we so many of them, you weren't sure on the exact number. However, he did tell you in one of his letters that he would send you one on your wedding day, then you two would see each other in person. You weren't sure if he was being serious.

But when you walked in your extravagant rental home to change into your wedding attire, there was a letter sitting on top of the said box, your name written in the familiar cursive. And it terrified you to no end. You'd taken it and crammed it into the drawer of your vanity before getting dressed in your wedding attire. But now, minutes before you were getting ready to drive to the church, you were anxious to open it. 

You set your bouquet down gently and reached for the vanity drawer, hand shaking as your hand touched the knob. Ugh, why were you so nervous?!

You yanked the thing open, picking out the letter. You took your manicured nail and sliced it open at the top, removing the letter. Unfolding it, you began to read.


To my Future Wife Y/n,

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