| Oliver Jonas Queen |

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Word Count: 2668


*The Next Day*

Oliver had trained himself to be pretty emotionless, but he could not contain the happiness he felt this morning. How could he not be happy? Y/n was going home with him today. She would see his house and meet the remainder of his family.

He'd be able to protect her in the very comfortable walls of the Queen manor.

He'd be able to spoil her rotten with all the lavish gifts that money could buy.

And maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to tell her the desired feelings he'd bottled up for so long.

He had a small smile on his face as he cradled the love of his life in one arm, holding his green wooden suitcase in the other, and began to walk towards the castle like building that was his home, much to her annoyance.

"Oliver, they gave me crutches for a reason. Put me down and let me use them."

"As long as you are near me and this house, you will not lift a finger for any reason."

"But Ollie-"

"Not a single movement. I mean it."

She groaned and rolled her eyes, though she knew that he meant well.

"I hate you."

He kissed her forehead. "I love you too, Y/n."

The door opened and the two walked in along with his mother. Oliver took in the sight of his home, while Y/n looked around the mansion in awe.

"Your room is exactly as you left it. I never had the heart to change a thing." His mother told him.

"Oliver." A voice called his name as he placed the suitcase on the ground and focused his attention on carrying his love comfortably. He took his eyes off her momentarily to look at the man in front of him.

"It's damn good to see you." His mother was beside him and was smiling.

"Walter. Walter Steele?" Oliver nodded his head to his direction, since he couldn't move his hand to shake his.

"You remember Walter, your father's friend from the company?" Moira asked.

He simply nodded his head once again.

"And who is this young woman?" Walter asked, his eyes landing on the girl in his arms.

"Y/n L/n, Mr. Steele."

Before they could start a conversation, Oliver had walked away and towards the maid that was near the corner.

"It's good to see you, Raisa." He said with a smile.

"Welcome home, Mr. Oliver." Her smile was bright. "And hello to you." That was directed to Y/n. "I'm Raisa."

"Y/n. A pleasure to meet you." She returned the smile to the sweet woman.

"Mr. Merlyn called, he wants to join you for dinner."

"Wonderful." Moira replied.

Oliver didn't react, instead he reacted to the sound from a door opening upstairs. He, and everyone else, looked up. There was his little sister.

She looked breathless for a minute, but she raced down the stairs and ran up to him, hugging him and being mindful to not and squish the woman in between them.

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