| Laughing! | | Bruce Wayne |

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Based off the comic: The Batman Who Laughs.

Requested by Dakota_Rain. Thanks for the amazing plot, love!

WARNINGS: Spoilers, and very descriptive, gory violence. 

Word Count: 2714


"What... did you do?" 

A former enemy of both superheroes was now laying on the ground. Dark purple, almost black bruises littered his pale white skin, the aftermath of being viciously battered out of rage. His eyes were wide open, staring at the man and woman duo, and his twisted, yellow smile never faltered when he hit the pavement. His neck had been snapped, it was lopsided and was no longer supporting his head.

The caped crusader looked at you.

"I ended it."

He broke the Joker's neck.

He broke his number one rule.

You knew that it was going to happen one day. His limits were going to be pushed one day. 

Today was that day.

This was the day that the joke went too far.

And after all of the destruction and mayhem that occurred in the last few hours, the Joker's death symbolized that his inhumane activities today, along with the rest of his schemes and future plans, was officially over. 

Everything in his influence was over.

Nothing would go under his influence ever again.

At least, that's what the both of them thought...


The little children, the poor innocent children, now psychologically scarred forever because of what that maniac did to their parents. They now looked like their parents murderer; pale, chalky white faces and inhuman smiles. No child should've gone through that.

Currently, they were all in their separate cells. The police department and Arkham Asylum were nothing more than dust at the moment, so they were in STAR labs for the time being.

"The reason why he did all of that was because he was dying." Bruce's voice was a blade that cut through the silence.

"Dying? How?" You asked.

"The chemicals that made him into what he is, they began deteriorating his body. It was killing him. And I'm guessing that he felt he had to do so much since he could've died right there while all of it was going on." 


"I know what you're going to say, Y/n. Yes, I killed him. That's what he wanted. But that doesn't mean that I am him. I'm not going to turn into that maniac. He's not getting that from me."

You looked at him.

"Are you sure?"


"Is there anyway to remove that toxin from the children's blood streams?"

"I am unsure. I'd have to run tests when I get back to the Batcave."

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