The Beast's Triumph

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She was never so scared in her life. She ran as fast as she could, her heart pounding against her chest.

She winced in pain as her bare feet landed on a sharp stone, piercing the already cut flesh.

Her eyes were blinded by tears, causing her to stumble every so often.

Her attire was ripped and bloody, mud splattered up the back.

She did not dare scream, lest the creature pursuing her would hear.

Scrambling through the forest, she did not spare a glance behind her, because she knew that if she did, she would meet her end.

Her hair, which was once clean and pretty, was now tangled in a mess behind her. It was cut raggedly, whipping this way and that.

Her hands were red and stinging, maybe because she had a difficult time of freeing herself from the bonds of some captor.

She blindly ran through the woods, and smacked into a wall.

She blinked away tears, and saw the rock wall of smooth stone, the lowest handhold -a crimp, the smallest kind- was at least twelve feet up.

She let out a small cry of despair, and banged her small fists against the wall, as if this action would cause the rock to move, and give her a way out of her personal Hell.

A low growl sounded behind her, causing her to go ridged. A moment later, she turned around, and faced the beast she knew would end her life.

The creature was huge and bear like. It's enormous head hung low, it's slouching figure ready to pounce.

It's feet looked like a cross between paws and talons, its fur a midnight black. It had small, beady yellow glowing eyes, which seemed to see into her soul.

"Please..." she whispered, but to no avail.

The beast flung itself into the air, propelling itself onto the feeble human being, pleading for her life.

With the weight crushing down on her, she was out of breath.

She gasped for air, bringing in tiny gulps.

The creature's talons sliced through her arm as if it were butter.

She let out a bloodcurdling scream, her own blood surrounding her in a growing pool.

But the monster was not finished yet. It barred it teeth, and then sunk it's sharp canines into her shoulder, causing her again to scream.

The loss of blood was taking its toll on her as the monster once again bit her, though this time ripping out her left ear.

Having no energy left to scream, all she could do was to open her mouth slightly and mouth a few words which will never be known.

With her mouth open, the blood around her rushed into her mouth, causing her to choke on her own blood.

The beast snarled, and with one last blow (crushing her back, instantly paralyzingly her), she took her last breath, finally welcoming darkness.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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