Chapter 15

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Our second destination was the park, where we had shared our first kiss. It wasn't far from where we were currently. Still hand in hand, we walked in direction of the park. I didn't know whereabouts in the park Ryan wanted to go to, or what he wanted to do there. 

We had reached the park and I was beginning to feel nervous and slightly queasy. I also didn't know why I felt like that, I couldn't explain it but I felt like I had a pounding headache. I didn't tell Ryan this because I didn't want to make him worried or make him think that it was best to go back home. 

I looked up at Ryan, he looked pale. 

"You alright?" I said concernedly

"Uh, I-I, yeah, I'm fine." He answered stuttering

"Ok..." I replied, not believing him. I decided to just let it go, how bad could it be?

I knew Ryan wouldn't hide anything from me... would he? Why was I even worrying about it anyways. I felt weird, I was feeling worse by the minute. My headache getting worse. I tried to brush it off, maybe if I concentrated on something else slightly happier I would feel better. I probably was just having an anxiety attack, not knowing what was going to happen, not knowing exactly where we were going and Ryan being a little weird to say the least. 

I tried to focus on my surroundings, the knew flowers that had been planted in the ground and flowerbeds. The bright yellow sunflowers and hibiscuses  surrounded by yet more flowers being black roses, black tulips and electric blue forget-me-nots. Those colours were a beautiful combination, one that you wouldn't find anywhere else. I was lucky to live next to a park this magical and mystical. I was a lucky woman in general, an amazing loyal beautiful boyfriend and I had an amazing, charming, modern town to live in. 

We continued to walk in the park, I guessed that we were going to 'our' corner of the place. We had claimed that corner ours after our anniversary date, again very cliche. I soon forgot about how ill I had felt a few moments ago, I was just caught in thought, good thought. Everything that had happened to me over the past six years, from being depressed on the verge of suicide, talks with Lucy who was also on the verge of suicide... she was a lot closer than me, she had already attempted it, luckily a passerby had stopped her. That passerby, was now her best friend, Celia was her name. I was continuing to think back. When Lucy had told me she was going out with Dan and how I first met Ryan up until right this moment.

The air was fresh, just like your typical winters evening in England. It was cold, but I didn't mind it because weirdly I loved winters air, it made me feel cozy and comfortable. It gave me a wintry vibe. It wasn't really wind, or if it was, I didn't feel or realize it. I felt absent minded, like I was there but I wasn't, you know that feeling? I got it every once in a while. 

We kept on walking until we stopped at our corner of the park. Ryan turned round, we were now facing each other, Ryan holding my hands in his gazing in to my eyes. Ryan looked more scared than ever. He looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. I didn't understand why though.

"So.... uh.... you know... It's been like 5 years since I.... first met you." He said rather sheepishly

"Yeah.... it's gone so quick a bit too quick if I'm honest. " I answered sighing deeply. 

It was true, it had gone extremely quick. I remember the day we first met and the day we first kissed like it was yesterday everything else went by in a flash. I don't really remember other days apart from those very two and maybe the first time Dan and Lucy came to visit us. I had no Idea where this was going at all.... 

But I soon found out why he was acting weird because just then the he got down on one knee.

"All that said." He said and took a deep breath in

"Uh.... will you marry me Y/F/N? " He said shakily 

I couldn't believe it, he had done all of that for me. To say I was beyond happy was an understatement. He was the man for me, the man I would stay with for the rest of my life. He had changed me so much. From being a depressed woman to being the happiest woman on earth. I loved him and nothing could ever ever change that.

I was about to answer him when everything suddenly just went black, everything faded away. What was happening? Not right now! Did I pass out? I c--------------------

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