chapter 2

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Tord Pov: ~she is so cute when she is sleeping she must have been through a lot to be this tired. (And that was true your dad almost killed not really but still). Hey edd can i take y/n to my room tonight.Edd: umm sure she doesn't need to sleep on the couch anyways.

(Tord picks you up bridal style and takes you to his room).~*sigh* your so beautiful (he said as he played with your hair)tom: HEY COMMIE OPEN UP!! (tord goes to the door and opens it tom comes bursting through it )where is she!y/n is sleeping you idiot.

Tom:why is she even in your room she was fine on the couch.

No way she is way better off sleeping in a bed.

Tom: oh really then why your room? why not mine?

Because you didn't get here in time sorry thomas you snooze you lose.

(this pissed tom off a lot that he was basically screaming at tord while they fought on who got to have you for the night they woke you up with all their yelling.)

 y/n pov: what are you guys doing.(you say still half asleep)

Tord: nice job jehovah  you woke her up!

Tom:no you did COMMIE!

HEY! (They both look at you) both of you woke me up now if you guys don't mind i'm going to see if i can sleep with edd.(you walk out of the room and head to edds room you knock on the door "come in" he says) hey edd can i crash in your room tom and tord are fighting and i can't sleep. edd: sure anything for you. Thanks edd. (you laid down in his bed with him and tried to go back to sleep but you feel him put his arm around your waist you really didn't think much of it and so you fell asleep).  

the next mourning

(you wake up to find edd gone so you get up and grab a pair of clothes for the day. you walk out into the kitchen and see matt cooking breakfast and everyone else was at the table) 

and im leaving it there because i cant think of anything else like i said this is my first fanfic that im making so its kind of hard to think of so sorry if its not good and ill try my best in the next chapter until then my friends *hugs anyone*. ^w^  

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