1. First Day

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Starlyn's pov:

The sun rising slowly making the sky beautiful. The cars were already rushing around on the roads. Well, its New York right? I got out of bed and got ready for school. My parents made me go to a new school for my Junior year because the old school wasn't good for me. I wore a black jean and a red and blue checked shirt along with a black sneakers. I checked the time on my black Rolex watch. 7:50 it showed. I'm a bit late for breakfast but yet I managed to grab a toast and some orange juice before heading to the car in which my dad was waiting.

"Hey dad! Sorry I'm late" I said grinning sheepishly. "Good Morning kiddo. Its alright don't worry. Ready for the first day?" he asked starting the car. "Yeah but I'm a bit nervous though" I said. He just chuckled and drove to school. It took 15 minutes for us to reach the school. I was early by 15 minutes. Yep. The classes started at 8 20 in the morning which is a very good thing isn't it? Anyways, I went to the office to do all the fresher process. My first period was physics. I kept my other books in the locker and went to the class I was supposed to be in.

I entered the class a minute before the final bell rang. Phew. I'm glad I wasn't late. Coming late on the first day and being yelled by teacher would be embarrassing. There was only two seats left. One in the front and one at the corner, before I could even react, someone rushed past me to the corner. I hope my junior year goes well, I said in my head and just sighed and took the front. Not that I hate being in the front, I've always loved being in the corner, doodling while listening to the class. The teacher, Mrs. Park took attendance. I hoped she wouldn't call me to come up and introduce, but did my luck work? Nope. I had to go and introduce myself.

Composing myself, I went up and cleared my throat. "uhm.. Hey everyone.. I'm Starlyn Foley." A few waved at me smiling widely while the rest just stared. Its just introducing Star, why are you so scared said a voice in my head. You see I've never been good at talking in front of people. Last time I did that, I almost had a panic attack. "Nice meeting you all. Thank you." I scurried off back to my seat feeling embarrassed about myself. What the hell Star you had to mess it up like that? But before I could even think next the teacher started off with the class. She was explaining about the chapters we'll be studying this year and the importance of tests. I've always had a good grade so I didn't worry about that.

The class went pretty interesting. Before I could even think about the day it was lunch already. Wow. Time went pretty fast! I walked to the cafeteria only to see it full. Great, I thought. Seeing a few kids outside, I went out and sat under a tree and read a book while eating the sandwich my mom had packed me. "Can I join you?" I heard a voice. I looked up to find a guy about my age, smirking at me. I didn't recognize him at first. But then, later I realized that it was my stupid cousin. "J-Jake?" I said. "finally recognizing me huh?" he said, still having his stupid smirk. "how could I forget that stupid smirk?" I said rolling my eyes. "nice meeting you too couzz!!" he plopped down beside me. He never called me with my name. always annoyed me by calling 'couzz' or 'galaxy'. Weird, I know. But he never changed.

"So transferred here huh.. cool!" he said, taking my book from me. "Yes- hey! That's mine!" I tried to snatch it from him. But couldn't do that of course. He has longer arms. "Yeah sure" he laughed and gave it back. "How did you find me though?" I asked. He just shrugged and said "Easy to find a bookworm like you. This place is for the quietest kids but I wonder how you ended up here though.." which earned him a smack upside his head.

We kept talking until the bell rang. . "See you after school couzz" he said and ran to his class. I just nodded smiling and went to my class. The latter classes were gym and math. It went well.After school ended I caught up with my cousin and went home together.

Nina's POV:

The school was the usual boring stuff. The only thing I was excited about is gym. Not that I love running miles and crap. I get to play volleyball with special permission. Being the favourite of coach has its merits. After school ended I walked to the bus immediately. I didn't have anyone important to wait for so.

The sight of a black haired girl with a guy caught my attention. Who is she and how did she know Jake? They both seemed pretty close to me. I just shrugged to myself and went to the bus.

At home, I hugged mom and sat on the kitchen counter. "How was school sweetie?" my mom asked me. "It was fine mom. Is your shift over or do you have to go tonight?" "Sadly yeah I've to go tonight. The doc that was supposed to be there tonight resigned for some reason. So I have to cover them. But I'm not leaving before dinner so don't worry" she smiled at me.

"Alright. I'll be doing my homework in my room" I told her and quickly went up with a cookie in my mouth. I sighed and laid back on my bed. The image of the girl I saw after school came onto my mind. I couldn't see her face properly but I could definitely say she was new to school. I pushed away the thoughts about her and did my homework.

After doing the stupid chemistry homework finally, I had a bath and went to sleep. Another day of fineness.

Starlyn's POV:

At home Jake and I were literally just messing around. We had maid so need not worry about cleaning later. "Jake stop!!" I yelled while laughing but did he? Nope. He thinks its hilarious to see me struggling and laughing while he tickles my sides. I hate it so much, ugh. After kicking and trying to punch him he stopped tickling. Finally. Peace. "I hate you" I mumbled while holding my stomach which was aching from laughing so hard. "Love you too galaxy" he laughed and went to kitchen.

"Get me some cookies will you?" I yelled while going through Netflix, thinking about what to watch. He came back and plopped beside me on the couch. "Yay you brought me my cookies!!" I squealed like a child and hugged him. "Alright alright lets watch something" he said while hovering the mouse over horror series. "Seriously?" I mumbled but he just laughed and picked something. All through the series, I mean a few episodes, I was staring at the screen. My gaze never broke once.

"Earth to galaxy" he said which made me snort. "Earth to GALAXY? You do realize that we're living INside the galaxy right?" I laughed. He mumbled a whatever and got up. "I'm heading home. See ya at school couzz" he said and headed out. I just nodded and went to my room. Oh, I also helped the maid to clean our mess. After all it was my fault.

After cleaning I finished my homework and went to sleep after eating dinner with mom and dad who was surprisingly home. What a day I thought before falling asleep.

A/n: hey you all! This is my first story. Phew. How's it? Do you like it? Leave some comments so I could know how to improve myself. Please vote and share!

Thank you!!! <3

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