17. Ugh nightmares again

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Star's POV:

Thankfully my bruise and swelling on my cheek went away over night so I didn't have to answer my parents. We never had dinner together at the table so it was easy to hide.

A few days later...

I ate dinner quickly with my sister since my parents were yet to come home. I threw the leftover away and ran upstairs to my room. I shut the door and fell on bed, scrolled through Instagram before drifting off to sleep because of exhaustion.

I ran as fast as I could. Narrowly avoiding the vehicles zooming past me and into my house. Quickly locking the door I stumbled back and fell on my back. Someone started banging the front door. I looked through the peep hole and was met with his face, contorted with anger.

'No... No he can't be here...' I thought to myself, panicking. The door looked like it would break off its hinges any moment. I was rooted to the ground, fear and shock taking over me. Tears streaming down my face and struggling to breathe I watched the door fly open and saw him step inside. He leaned down to grab me-

"NO!!" I woke up gasping and shaking. Tears flowing down my cheeks and throat closing in. I was struggling to get my breathing in control. Hugging my knees closer I tried to convince myself it was just a nightmare. I noticed it was half past 4 in the morning. After consoling myself I managed to pass out of exhaustion.

A few hours of little sleep later, I woke up shakily and dressed myself and went to school not bothering to eat any breakfast. I was too on edge to even talk. All the classes before lunch went fine. Managing to avoid physical contact with anyone by waiting until the halls were clear and being the last to get to class. I let a breathe out hoping I could get through the day.

Sitting by a table in a corner I stared at the book in my hand, food untouched in front of me. Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder causing me to flinch, jump and throw the book in fear. My heart started racing, ready to fight whoever it was.

"Oh my god I'm sorry are you okay?" It was Nina. Sighing in relief I picked the book and nodded. "Don't scare me like that please. What're you doing here?" I asked shakily. 'calm down' I told myself and took a few deep breaths, thankful that I didn't hit her accidentally.

"Sorry I didn't mean to. You were alone I wanted to ask if you were alright. You look shaken up, what's wrong?" She asked, concern written all over her face.

"I'm fine" I lied but she gave me a look, seeing right through the lie. It was obvious I guess. I looked exhausted with little to no sleep. Dark circles around my eyes. I sighed before giving in.

"I had a nightmare" I mumbled looking down, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey it's okay. Everyone gets one once in a while. Was it too bad?" She wondered out loud.

"Yeah it's probably because of the fight.." I trailed off while she nodded understandingly. "Can I hug you?" She asked. I smiled and hugged her tightly, not willing to let go. Hearing her say "it'll be okay" repeatedly calmed me down. She smelled real good, her voice, smell and embrace soothed me.

"Has anyone bothered you so far?"

"Just a few hate notes but there were some apology notes too. For me being outed and some appreciation notes for being brave and strong and accepting myself. No one has come up to me directly except for my friend in computers. She was supportive too so no worries" I smiled thinking back at the notes that fell from my locker last morning and today.

"That's good. Don't mind the haters. I'm proud of you too" she said and I smiled wide. "Thank you"

"Why aren't you eating though?" she frowned at the untouched sandwich and juice in front of me.

"Not hungry" I shrugged. "Just the juice? Please? Or I can feed you?" Hearing that I almost choked on air. I knew she was using her puppy eyes at me.

'Don't look don't look' I repeated but I looked up to those beautiful brown eyes. 'Damnit' I sighed and drank half of the juice. "Happy?" She grinned and nodded causing me to smile back. 'She's so beautiful' I thought to myself.

Nina's POV:

I'm really glad Daniella was out of the school. They had charges pressed on her for assaulting and she's gone forever, hopefully. I really don't want to see that face ever again.

It's been a good few days since the fight. I was worried about Star but it seems to be better than how I expected everyone to be. There were some indirect homophobic notes but the support was rather more.

Just the thought of her made me smile. Though I frowned when I thought about the fight causing a nightmare. It wasn't a big fight, yet it wasn't nothing either.

I had a feeling something bad must have happened because whatever had already happened to her must have been terrible because it seemed like the fight triggered something real bad. Maybe she'll be ready to tell me one day. As the tardy bell rang I sighed in relief and packed my bag to go home.

The tests have been stressing me out and I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it. Walking out with my friends I waved at Star, receiving a smile and wave back. My stomach erupted into butterflies seeing her smile. I quickly pushed that thought down. 'It's nothing. I'm not ready and I'm not into girls either' I thought to myself though a part of me knew it wasn't true.

I wasn't ready to admit that and the thought terrifies me. Focusing on what Jocelyn was saying I shut my thoughts about a certain black haired girl out.

A/N: thanks for reading. Vote comment and share if you love this. Love you all❤️

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