2. Meeting the new girl

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Nina's POV:

Its been almost a week since school started. I woke up as usual and went to school. On my way to class my PE teacher stopped me and asked "Hello Nina, can I talk to you?" "Um yeah sure Ms. Blake" I followed her. "I'm sorry to disturb you but, I know you are a really great volleyball player and you've been playing for our school ever since freshman year. So, would you like to be the captain?"

I was shocked but I felt very happy about it. "Of course Ms. Blake. My pleasure" I grinned. "Oh thank you so much Nina. So when shall we have our tryouts then? Is tomorrow okay with you?" she asked.

"Anytime you want me to Ms. Blake" I heard the bell ring. "I've to go now. See you later Ms. Blake!" I told her quickly and walked fast to my class. Thankfully I wasn't late.

Psst! I heard someone whisper. I turned around to find my friend grinning at me. "What?" I whispered, rolling my eyes and smiling at her. "you wanna go out for lunch with us today?" she asked. As much as I loved going out to eat, I didn't feel like it today. "Hmm not today Jane. Sorry" I said her giving an apologetic look. "Issokay" she smiled and went back to listen the class.

As lunch came by, I sat by a table alone, with my lunch in front of me. I didn't feel like eating so I started reading a book. "Uhm.. hey can I sit here?" I heard someone speak. I looked up and noticed that it was the new girl, apparently cousin of Jake. I didn't know that until Jane told me everything about her. "Sure" I smiled.

She sat across me and smiled. "I'm Starlyn Foley. You are?" she asked me. "Nice meeting you Starlyn. I'm Nina Jensen" I smiled back. "So you're the new kid and also cousin of Jake huh?" I said.

"Yeah and unfortunately yeah" she said chuckling. Jake's a good guy. Everyone knows he's the funniest yet sweetest guy. Many girls wanted him but he seemed to be completely oblivious of that. Or he knows they're only wanting him because he's popular and doesn't want to give them what they want.

I still asked her though. "Why do you say 'unfortunately yeah' "? "Because he's an idiot" she giggled. It was cute. I chuckled "He's one of the famous people here." "Oh I know. He's told me that way too many times to ever forget" she laughed. I smiled. "Why aren't you sitting with your cousin though?" I asked her. She was taken back but then said "I feel uhm.. awkward around many people. Plus I don't know if they'll like me or not. So. Why are you sitting alone though?" she asked. "Oh my friends are all out for lunch. I didn't feel like going so I stayed back. And now I'm glad I did" I said giggling. She smiled widely "I'm glad too". We talked for a while before leaving for class. I came to know that she loves basketball and space. She was interesting. "Hopefully, I'll see you around Star" I said. She smiled but her smile widened when she heard me calling her as 'Star'.

"Yeah see ya Nina" she walked off to her class.

Star's POV:

When I entered the cafeteria, a girl sitting alone with a book caught my sight. Since I didn't really have friends and I didn't like to sit with Jake's friends, I made my way towards her. Jake's friends are cool to hangout but I felt awkward among many people.

When I asked her if I could sit there she was a bit startled. She was wearing glasses that made her look cute and innocent. I didn't say that aloud though.

"Sure" she replied with a sweet smile. I smiled widely and sat down across her. We introduced each other and talked until the bell rang. We then parted ways to our classes.

New friend in a week. Awesome. What surprised me is I wasn't feeling awkward while talking to her. I felt comfortable. I was nervous yeah but I liked talking to her already.

After school ended, we both met again in the hallway. "Hey Nina!" I smiled and waved at her. She was with a few other people, her friends. A few other people who were heading home bid goodbyes to her. She's popular I guess.

She said something to her friends and came towards me. "So what are you doing this weekend?" she asked. "Hmm.." I thought for a while and said, "nothing really. Just chilling at home I guess. You?" "Same. I love staying at home more than the parties that happen around" she said.

"Oh. Nice" I smiled and noticed my dad was waiting for me. "My ride's here, see you on Monday Nina!" I said. "Yeah see ya!" she said and went towards the bus.

I got into the car smiling. "What's gotten you so happy sweetie?" my dad asked as he drove towards home. "Oh nothing dad. Just made a new friend. First friend actually" I said smiling more.

"that's great dear!" he said. I just smiled and we went home in silence. I couldn't help but think about mine and Nina's conversation. Heck. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Wait what? I shook my head and pushed aside the thoughts about and did my homework.

Nina's POV:

After lunch bell rang we both parted ways. I went to my next class. "Hey Nina! You missed a lot during lunch girl!" Jane said while walking along with me towards gym. "Oh damn really? Tell me about it!" I asked excitedly. She nodded and started telling me about how George was flirting with the waitress but she turned him down quickly. I laughed. He wasn't a player or anything. He just flirts with literally any girl he sees. She then said about how Jocelyn tripped and spilled her coke all over Nick.

We both were laughing our heads off. I then told her about how I met Starlyn and how much of a sweet girl she is. "we should hangout with her some day" said Jane. "yeah but she's a bit awkward around many people and George might scare her off" I said laughing. Knowing George we both decided on hanging out with her, just the 3 of us.

After school ended we met again. I smiled automatically when my brown eyes met with the dark brown eyes of hers. From distance they seemed black, like they held a lot of mysteries. I could tell that she was a very closed book but yet open minded. It all made me curious to know more about her.

Well, I'll know more about her soon. I smirked and went home.

A/n: hello! Do you guys like it?  I know it's boring and simple. But hey, thank you for reading! Vote and share if you like it!

See you guys soon! <3 

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