18. Accepting

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A/N: sorry for the time skip into next year (2020)

Nina's POV:

Months passed away as Star and I got closer and closer. I quit volleyball in January to focus on my studies. We had better players to replace me so it wasn't much of a trouble though my coach didn't like it. Thankfully she understood.

Star was still on the basketball team so I would go to her games to cheer her and the team. She only played the in-school games for some reason no one knows.

It was safe to say I had some what come to terms with my feelings on her. I still had no idea what my sexuality was but after talking with Star about hers and the general opinion of Jocelyn, I realized label wasn't important.

Someday in February...

I was over at Jocelyn's for her birthday party. We had a small celebration with our group and a few other friends of Jocelyn. The party was coming to a wrap and everyone had already left. It was just her and I in her room.

"I need to talk about something. It's uh really important.." I started awkwardly, making her look at me. "What is it? What's wrong?" she asked with concern.

"I.. I think I might have feelings for someone..." I dragged causing her to gasp but it soon turned into a full fledged smile. "Aww is little Nina crushing on someone?" She asked in her ridiculous baby voice.

I cringed and nodded my head, looking at my hands. "So who's the guy? Or girl?" She asked adding the girl a few seconds later. That caused me to look at her in shock. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Oh come on Nina. I've known you for years. Anyways, who's it?" She asked smiling eagerly.

"Star-" "I KNEW IT!!" She yelled rudely interrupting my sentence. I blushed and looked away to hide my smile but quickly looked up at her and glared. "Sorry sorry it's just obvious Nina. Anyways what's wrong?" She asked.

"I.. You know I'm not ready for a relationship after what went down with him. But... It feels so right to feel all these for her. It's more intense than I've ever felt.." I smiled thinking about her.

"Not to scare you but sounds like you're in love with her.." she said carefully, waiting for my reaction.

".. I think I might be" I said after taking a deep breath.

"What about her? Does she feel anything for you?" She asked making me nod.

"She confessed she liked me like a year ago. On Valentine's Day. She didn't ask me out, just confessed"

"Oh my god so you are the one she told me about! Girl she's head over heels for you what are you waiting for?" She almost yelled.

"Wait she told you? What did she say?"

"Yeah. She was feeling bad one day. It was free period and I caught her sitting by herself. We talked about stuff and when I asked if she likes someone she told me about it. Didn't mention who though. I had an inkling it was you but you've just confirmed it" she told me, clearing all my questions.

"Ohh alright"

"So what's the problem?" She asked looking serious.

"Just, I'm scared. This is the first girl I have feelings for. I've never liked a girl before. Or even thought that way. I don't even like anyone else but her now..." I admitted.

I never talked much about my feelings, hating the vulnerability. But I knew I had to this time.

"That's alright. You know that labels aren't important. You don't have to like any other girls. Don't label yourself if you aren't sure or don't want to. Life is short Nina. Love whoever you want. And as for Star, I tried to convince the girl to let go of whoever she likes but she was stubborn. Like she couldn't just lose the person."

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