Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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{Third Person P.O.V}

Once upon a time, far far away, there was a land filled with magic and wonders. Many kingdoms with family feuds and constant wars but within this beautiful yet dying land, two sisters were born and not too far away, two brothers were born not too long before them. These four were destined to meet but not so soon. Sadly, soon after a curse was cast upon the two sisters.

The two sisters were no longer human. Instead, they were what people would soon call monsters. One half cat owl hybrid, the other half bunny-dog hybrid, they were untameable and dangerous, they were a threat. If they couldn't contain or control themselves people would get hurt. Because of this curse, the two sisters were locked-up behind the castle gates of their home. Never to leave the kingdom, after all, the king put his people first. They were taught to fear their new powers. They thought they were monsters and never wanted people to know the truth behind their masks.

Until the day two intruders quietly broke into the castle.

The intruders had heard about a rumor that inside the castle were two very expensive jewels that they planned to steal for the money. Little did the intruders know that these jewels were not actual jewels but two beauties. They couldn't retrieve these jewels because due to the curse, they got infused inside the sisters.

The two brother intruders climbed over the unguarded walls to find themselves in an indescribable garden lit by fireflies that had been hiding all day in the long grasses by the big pond in the middle of the garden. Trying not to get distracted by the beauty of the fireflies, they then looked for an open window not too far off the floor. Once they found their way in, they carefully climbed through into the dimly lit halls of the luxurious castle with beautiful patterns and shades of red, cream and gold. They wandered through endless hallways of which the walls were adorned with wondrous paintings and art, most signed with an F, some signed with a B, and a large amount signed with both and an F and a B.

One of the intruders, a short boy, was drawn more to the ones signed with a B, when as the other, another boy a few inches taller than the first one, was drawn more to the ones signed with an F, but they didn't know why. The tallest intruder was so interested in the painting of a flower signed with an F, he almost didn't realise that he nearly stepped on a small curled up sleeping figure on the floor. He crouched down to get a better look at the sleeping figure, it was a young girl, around their age. He wondered why she was sleeping in the hallway, did something happen to her? She somehow reminded him of a cat, he swore he heard her purr...

Now that he took a closer look, there was something moving on her head that looked suspiciously like cat ears... But he couldn't check because something hit them both hard in the back of the head, something frying pan shaped... As they fell to the floor, groaning in pain, they saw a glimpse of a younger and much shorter and smaller girl... Just before they blacked out they made out what looked like floppy dog ears and what sounded like a growl... Then everything went black.

{Becca's P.O.V}

I was wandering down the hallway looking for Fran who had almost certainly fallen asleep on the way to her bedroom... She could be anywhere but because this isn't the first time this has happened, I have found a technique to find her by following her purr-like snores.

As her purrs were getting louder, I started to make out two figures, I freaked out and grabbed a frying pan that Fran and I decided to place there, just in case. We also have other frying pans hanging on walls throughout the castle. I held it with a tight grip and crept closer to the two figures.

I saw one of them crouch down to get a closer look at Fran, that was when I realised that they were both boys and with two panicked swings they were both on the ground. I growled at the thought of what they might have done to Fran if I wasn't there to protect her!

I then noticed that Fran's ears were out, I began to panic, "What if they saw her ears?! What if they tell someone?! Everyone would know that we're monsters!!" I screamed, causing Fran to wake up with a look of horror and confusion, she meowed as she yawned and stretched just like a cat.

She looked down at the two limp intruders and said, "What are they doing on castle grounds?" She had a panicked and confused expression on and then she added "Why am I in the hallway? Did I fall asleep on the way to bed again?!" I nodded.

"They might have seen your ears! What are you doing just randomly letting your ears loose??" I grabbed her shoulders and shook her, I wasn't thinking straight. All I could do was shake her to stop my own body from shaking itself. I was never good at these things. I've got a case of paranoia because of the constant thought that people would find out that we're monsters and try to kill us. I never stop thinking about the worst case scenario.

She gave me a huge hug to calm me down and as always it worked "You know, very well, I can't control myself as well as you do. So we'll have to tie them up and question them when they wake up... Like in the movies!" She said reassuringly.

I hugged her back, never wanting to let go because of how warm she was against the annoyingly cold halls, I didn't know I started crying until I started talking, *sniffle* "L-Like in the movies? L-Like my favourite one? W-with the monsters who caught people trying to do bad things?" I sniff again, "What if they wake up and say that they were planning to kill us because everyone knows that we're monsters and they're going to come and break into the castle and-" I sharply suck in a breath as she cuts me off by placing a loving kiss on my forehead knowing that it will stop me from shaking, which started again after getting worked up over my paranoia... again...

"Don't worry Becca! We can cover our faces! Remember the masks we made? How about you run and get them, you are the faster one out of both of us." She said calmly and responsibly, she's always been relaxed and cool when I'm her opposite, energetic and childish.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I immediately jump up, ready to sprint off to grab our masks, "I'll go get them now! You get the rope and start tying their wrists and ankles! I'll be about 2 minutes!!" I sprinted down the long luxurious halls towards our rooms with very soft and light footsteps, I've always been really quick and light on my feet, barely making any sounds. Ever. I slowly approached our room with a big smile on my face, excited for what's to come.


Hey, this is Frecca-Fracca!

We're two best friends who just wanted to start writing a story! We hope you enjoy! The two main female characters are based off of us, the two males are a secret 😉💗💜

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