Chapter 8 - AGAIN?!

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{Dyjoon P.O.V}

My heart was beating so fast due to our closeness. I hoped she couldn't hear it, although I'm pretty sure she did since her face was in my chest. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I realised the situation we were in. F has her head in MY chest and SHE'S CRYING and I'M HOLDING HER EVEN THOUGH WE JUST MET! I bet she thinks I'm so weird and that I'm making her uncomfortable.

I internally sighed feeling a bit sad that she might not have liked the placement of my hands on her waist and head.

Suddenly there was a loud crash. Again?! I thought to myself. We realized just how long we had been in each other's embrace. I quickly pulled away, embarrassed. My face was probably as red as a tomato. We stayed silent for a minute where I got to take a glance at F, who just stood there her face covered by her hair, standing flustered and confused like me, before speaking.

"W-we should g-go see what h-happened."

She looked up at me, revealing her shy face which had gone the colour of the most beautiful scarlet rose, and replied "G-good I-I-idea!"

So we rushed off towards where the noise came from.


{Becca's P.O.V}

I had decided to open the door and wander down to the kitchen, it had been a while since I had eaten the breakfast the shorter intruder made me. I also had to clean up the dishes it was on not long ago. I went to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I stared at it confused. Why the hell isn't it opening?! I seem to get easily annoyed if things don't go my way. I tried to open it again with a little more force. It still didn't budge.

"Why won't it open~" I whined jiggling about and softly stomping my foot like a little child when their parents said no to an ice cream. Since the door wasn't opening when I used a little force I decided to kick it, and because of my odd strength, it sent whoever was sitting on the other side flying. I stood in my doorway in absolute horror. It was the shorter intruder that had brought me my food. Why was he sitting in front of my door?? I suddenly remembered what his friend had said about him being easily hurt and bruised.

I gasped and rushed to his side and tried to turn him over causing a groan to be admitted from his luscious lips- NOT LUSCIOUS! Kissable- NO! Just no! His regular not lovely and perfect lips, they are average. What is happening to me?? I'm going insane! I shook him until he opened an eye. Once he saw me, his eyes enlarged five times their size. Even surprised he looked handsome- I mean weird!! Yes. Weird... Seeing him like this, knowing I had to help him, food was the second thing on my mind.

"Are you ok?" I asked, actually worried! I've done similar things in the past where I had either hurt myself or Fran... I didn't want to hurt anyone... Once I broke Fran's wrist when we were playing with wooden swords and once I ripped out one of her milk teeth when we were playing pirates and sharks...

She had always pretended that it didn't hurt but I knew that I really did hurt her... And I hated that. I really hoped that I didn't hurt the shorter intruder, he had been so kind by making me breakfast and I didn't want him to think that I was ungrateful for it.

He tried to sit up, wincing, I put the palm of my hand flat on his back and helped him up. "Wow... you've got a strong kick!" He tried to laugh which only resulted in him in wincing even more and hunching over in pain. Worry dripped off of me and he could tell. "I-I'm fine. Don't worry." I could see that he definitely wasn't "fine." I hated it when people lied about how they were feeling, in front of my face.

"You're not 'FINE' you're in PAIN!" I growled.

His head shot up and he looked into the fiery orbs called my eyes. He smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, you're right," He said sadly, "It did hurt, a lot, and I'm not very good with pain." He held his left rib in discomfort.

Tears started to blur my vision as I realised that I had hurt yet another person... This doesn't bring good memories of Fran and mother... He noticed my tears threatening to spill. He moves closer to me, trying to bare the pain, and wiped the tears away with his warm thumb.

He spoke in a soothing voice, "H-hey... Don't cry... You look cuter when you're not... I'm sure you'd look super cute smiling!" Both his and my eyes widened as we processed what he had just said.

I could tell he was going to say something about him regretting saying that, but I liked it. So, I smiled softly, sniffling, then I spoke, "Th-thanks..." He was a bit taken aback by what I had just said, then smiled back at me.

I somehow feel like he isn't as bad as I thought he was... Maybe I can trust him... But I don't know about the other... He said it was his idea to steal something from here... I might trust him a little if he proves himself worthy of my trust... same with this shorter one... I must know more about him!

So I started by asking him some questions. We were both still sitting there on the floor a few meters away, each leaning on one side of the hallway. I began by asking, "Sooo... how old are you?... umm... if you don't mind me asking? So we get to know each other?... better?" He was silent for a few seconds with a look of shock on his face before replying.

"Oh... um... yeah, sure!"*voice crack :3*That's kinda cu-no! Funny! Seriously funny!! "I am 18. So is Dyjoon. We are twins!" Once that word left his mouth my eyes doubled in size and I jumped forward enough to pin him to the wall, hand either side of his head.

"REALLY?! SO ARE F AND I!!! THAT'S SO COOL!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET ANOTHER TWIN! I COULD KISS-" I cleared my throat and sat back onto my legs. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"You could kiss... what?" He innocently asked. I covered my face with my hands in utter embarrassment. How could I almost say that I could kiss him?! I thought. I have become an idiot... never mind, a bigger idiot.

I peeked through my fingers at his face, only to see it tomato red with a cheeky smirk, which made me even more embarrassed. So I ran back into my room closing the door and jumped on my bed. Once I had finished rolling around like a dork, I sat up and heard a chuckle emitted from my right. I looked towards the door and saw him standing there.

Suddenly, we heard what sounded like a stampede from the hallway. It turned out to be Fran and the other intruder. Fran was about to say something but I cut her off, "WAIT! I've had enough of this. Are you going to tell me your names???? Or are you just going to leave me in the dark???"

Everyone froze and stared at me... The silence was broken by the shorter intruder.


"What?" I replied.

"My name is Barmin. Kark Barmin."

"Thaaank you! I finally know SOMEONE'S name!" I replied looking in the direction of the other guy with an encouraging look.

"I am Dyjoon. Kark Dyjoon!" He said enthusiastically. I smiled at them, thankful.

Barmin then asked, "You know our names, so do we get to know yours?"

"No." Fran, Dyjoon and I said in unison.

Barmin stared at us in confusion, trying to comprehend what just happened. He looked at Fran, then Dyjoon, then finally at me. "Why?"

"As you have noticed, we are not exactly what you call 'normal'. We have been locked away in this castle most of our lives by our 'loving' father" Fran explained seriously and not bothering to hide her sarcastic tone when mentioning father. "We don't know who you truly are and whether you are not someone father hired to get close to us. It might sound crazy but it has happened before and both sides got hurt..." She sighed reminiscing about those dark days. "I'm sorry but it is too dangerous for both groups for you two to know our true identities, but maybe if we learn to trust each other over time we might, just maybe, tell you who and what we are."

Her impromptu speech left us at a loss for words. 

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