Chapter 6 - Apology

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~The Next Day~

{Becca's P.O.V}

I wake up to the sun beaming through the curtains and the smell of a big tasty breakfast. A smell I haven't smelt since mum died- passed. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I sat up in bed. My vision started out blurry but as it started to clear I realised I was in the guest room instead of my own.

Then the memories of what happened yesterday started running through my head. I started panicking, until someone lightly knocked on the door, then began to open it. I knew it wasn't Fran, her knock is much louder, that is when she knocks which is rare, so who was it?

The smaller intruder came through the door with a tray of food in his hands. I just sat there shaking. He just stood there staring at me. "Sorry." He said quickly looking down to his feet then back up at me and continued, "For yesterday and for freaking you out. I made breakfast as a better apology cause I'm not very good at apologies and-" I cut him off as I stood up, grabbed the tray of food and pushed him out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I sat down, my ear against the door and the tray by my side. I overheard him say disappointedly "I don't think she's forgiven me.." I then heard Fran reply.

"Don't worry. You cooked her breakfast, which is the best way to get her forgiveness. She's already forgiven you. She's just hiding it." Fran's right. He is forgiven, all because of the food! Not because he's attractive and sweet! Not at all!

I heard some noises and muffled voices, along with some footsteps, I wasn't sure how many, if it was just one pair or more... I scooted a little away from the door and looked down at the food. I head a long soft noise sliding down the other side of the door. Did someone just slide down as I had? No... It must be my imagination... I thought, but I was still unsure.

I looked back at the food. My favourite breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon and black pudding. I haven't had this in a long time! I started digging into it, enjoying every single bite until it was all gone. It was delicious, which I'm surprised the shorter intruder could cook this well.

I bounced around the room happily as the taste of the food was still in the back of my throat. After a while, I stopped jumping around like a six-year-old and slid down the door in thought. Why did he want my forgiveness anyway? And why was Fran talking to him so nicely?

{Barmin's P.O.V}

F was kind enough to give me tips on how to get B's forgiveness. She's very kind and seems to care about B a lot! So after I cooked my favourite breakfast, which is the only breakfast I can cook without burning it, I brought it to the room B was in and tried to apologise... Only to find myself shut out... F was there the whole time and looked like she was trying to hold in laughs.

She explained to me that B had forgiven me but was just hiding it. "She'll learn to trust you soon don't worry." She said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" I asked because I wasn't convinced.

"You'll see" she mumbled before walking off. I lent against the door letting myself slide down to the floor slowly and as quietly as I could. I really do hope she forgives me...

I could hear the soft sounds of someone munching on food on the other side of the door. I smiled to myself hoping that I didn't ruin the food somehow or she didn't like it. After a while, the noises stopped and I heard someone get up and bounce around the room, then slide down the other side of the door.

Just the thought of her being so close but something being between us stopping one from seeing the other hurts me in some kind of way. Not that I like her. Not at all. I just find her interesting... Yes... That's it... She doesn't nor most likely wouldn't ever like me in any way... That makes me feel worse...

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