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Chris Brown

A week later

I adjusted my jacket as I hopped out my car, grabbing my glasses and rubbing my hair as I made my way into yet another meeting Anthony ass set up for me. I would of still been laying in my bed with Cree, but he said this was detrimental to the tour so I had to be here. Just hop it wasn't no bullshit.

I was all too familiar with the building, so I walked in and nodded my head at Stacy, the receptionist.

She smiled, standing up to greet me. "Hello, Mr. Brown."

"How many times I have to tell you to call me Chris, girl." I laughed.

"My bad, Chris. They're waiting for you in the in the main suite." She said, raising a brow.

"What? It's that serious?" I asked, backing up and looking down the hallway.

"I...wouldn't say that. It should be interesting." She said, nodding as she sat back down, going back to what she was doing on her computer.

I took a deep breath, tapping her desk before making my way to the meeting room. As I approached the glass doors, I seen Anthony sitting at one end with an empty seat next to him. Next, Big Pat sat with arms crossed, nodding his head towards me and making Ant look my way. He adjusted himself as I walked in.

"What's good, bro?" I walked up to him as he stood up, giving him some play. "Pat.." I went and patted his shoulder as I looked up, instantly starting to clench my teeth.

"What's happening, bruh?"

I looked over at Anthony. "Da fuck is this man?"

"Just have a seat, Breezy. We got something we want to talk to you about."

I took another deep breath, sitting in between him and Pat....looking across the table at this Jacquees. In the muthafucking flesh. He was sitting between some chick I'm guessing was his manager and some burly ass Mexican dude. Ha. He wasn't shit compared to Big Pat. I instantly had a fucking attitude though.

"So wassup? What we doing here? Staring contest? Boxing match? WHAT? Cause I'm down for WHATEVER, my nigga."

Quees laughed, leaning back in his swirling chair and rocking side to side. "You still hype about some shit, I see." He shook his head.

"Hype about what?" I asked, leaning forward, nostrils flared.

"Psh. Ain't even gone get into alladat." He waved me off.

"Nah, nigga WHAT? Since you know so fucking much. AND IF I AM? Da fuck you tryna do??" I asked the last question through clenched teeth, fist balling up as I got ready to stand. Everybody seen both of us about to stand up, so they stopped us while we were ahead.

"Alright, alright. Let's calm down, keep things kosher in here." Said the chick that was with ole boy team. "We didn't come here for all that. Let's just sit down and discuss the matter at hand."

We all took a minute to calm down. Once every everybody was back sitting, I sat back in my seat with my arms crossed. I really wasn't trying to hear what the fuck they had to talk about, but I decided to hear them out.

"So...what IS the matter at hand, exactly." I asked, licking my lips.

"Okay, so we came here to discuss a possibility of adding Jacquees as another headliner on the 'Heartbreak' tour. Now..."

I scoffed, looking over at Anthony before she started explaining herself.

"Just...hear her out, CB." He said, looking at me. I just frowned, shaking my head before looking back at this chick.

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