Chapter 2

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Ella's POV

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet Ella bella, happy birthday to you."

"Blow out your candles honey, and make a big wish!" I watch the video with tears in my eyes as I watch a 5 year old me blow out her birthday candles most likely getting spit all over the cake.

"Hey Ella are you awake?" I wipe my tears and let a 'yes' come out of my mouth. I smile as I see Marcus the betas mate comes in my room.

"Heyyy girl!!! Happy Birthday!" He says jumping on my bed and giving me a hug. Before I can say thank you, a sweet little brown haired boy runs in to my room.

"Happy birday Ella!"

"Thank you William!" He nods and skips off out of room. Just as he's leaving his parents come in.

"Happy Birthday Ella! The big one eight!"

"Thank you Alpha, Luna." I smile and look up at them. Every since the incident with my parents they have really took me in. Not as a parent type way but as a friend. Everyone really did and I appreciate it greatly. It's good to have friends when something like that happens.

"So any plans today?" Marcus ask, I look at him suspiciously. He's always up to something and I knew that look in his eyes meant it wasn't something I was gonna like.

"No....I took off work today so I could relax."

"Ohhh well okay." He says weirdly smiling at me. I just hope whatever he is hiding isn't something too embarrassing.

"We'll let you get ready for the day sweetie, just come down stairs when your done." Luna Rose says and I nod giving them all warm smiles as they leave my room and close the door behind them.

I go back to my laptop. As I scroll through photos of me and parents I can't help the tears that start to form. I miss them. I just wish things could go back to how they were. Me and my dad were always really close. I would tell him everything, even about a boy I liked in school. He cared so much for me, and would do whatever was necessary to save me. That's why he's no longer here. I still blamed myself a little for what happened but I couldn't help it. I just wanted my dad back.

I shake off the thoughts and stand up to head to the bathroom. Today's gonna be a good day Ella, don't ruin it with those thoughts. I brush my teeth and hair and put it into two braids. I throw on some mascara and some concealer to make me look a little more alive. I head to my closet and just grab whatever was the closest to me. It so happened to be my favorite pair of jeans and a red and white striped shirt. Once dressed and ready I head downstairs. I look around and don't find anyone. I walk some more towards the backyard and find that everyone is huddled around chatting away. I look around to try to find someone I know in the crowd to ask what's going on. I spot Cindy, one the pack nurses I work with.

"Hey Cindy, what's going on?"

"No clue, the alpha just called a meeting and told everyone to come to the backyard. You didn't hear him in the link?" I shake my head no. I must of been too caught up in my thoughts to hear.

"Excuse me everybody, if I can get all your attention." Alpha Nick announces making everyone bow their heads in respect to him.

"I called this meeting just to Discuss some things with you all. No one is in trouble so no worries." You could see a sigh of relief leave a lot of people. Alpha Nick continues "As most of you know, we are having the twins birthdays this weekend. We have invited a few people from other packs, including other alphas. I expect full respect towards them from all of you. If I hear anything negative back from them, there will be punishment. So please be on your best behavior." Everyone says a 'yes alpha' and we are all dismissed.

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