Chapter 16

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Thomas's POV

"Why did you let them in here Leah?" I growled out at my sister who was rubbing her pregnant belly.

"I'm sorry Thomas I really am. But they're our parents! I can't just tell them no."

"Your 23 Leah, yes you can."

She just shrugged her shoulders sending me a sympathetic look. I turned away, heading into the living room where my parents and mate were. My mom was busy asking her questions while dad was just staring at her.

"And we heard your parents died, how did that happen? How old were you?" My mom asked, smiling at Ella who looked a little frightened.

"Mom that's enough questions, what are you two doing here? Don't you have your own home?" I asked a bit irritated. I saw my dad's fist clench and he turned to me with a glare.

"Well if you wouldn't hide the girl from everyone then we wouldn't have to show up unexpected." He spit out making my anger rise.

"I didn't hide her. She's been here almost four days now and you've had every opportunity to ask me if she was my mate. You are the ones who isolate yourselves. So leave me and my mate out of it."

"Are you really so ashamed of the girl that you can't introduce her to everyone as their Luna? How pathetic."

This time I didn't let his disrespect go unnoticed. I quickly grabbed him and had him pinned up against the wall. My mom gasped, covering her eyes from us. Ella stared at us with slightly wide eyes but remained silent.

"You can't treat me like a child anymore father. I'm your Alpha, and you will not disrespect me, or you can become a rogue just as fast as anybody else in this pack. It was her decision to keep it on the low until she decided she wanted to tell them. Say one more thing about her and I promise you, you will no longer be in MY pack."

I dropped him to his feet, walking away from his sorry self. I don't have to deal with his bitterness towards me anymore. All my childhood he was always so bitter to me. I thought it was just to teach me to be a good Alpha but it never stopped. Even after I became Alpha the disrespect never stopped. I was thankful when him and mom went on a two year vacation, traveling the world.

"Thomas he's sorry, and Ella sweetie I'm sorry for his behavior."

"It's okay Mrs.Paine." Ella answered, sending her a sincere smile. I sat on the couch by her, keeping my arm behind her. My dad returned back to his seat, keeping his eyes low.

"If you don't mind me asking sweetie, why keep your title a secret?"

"I think it's important for everyone to get to know me as me. I know with the title over my head, everyone will be forced to like me. I don't want that."

"Oh well that makes a lot of sense. Well we should get going, it's late. We would love for you two to come over for dinner tomorrow."

"That would be fine." Ella answered, beating me to my 'no' answer. I send her a look, letting her know I did not want to go to dinner with my parents. She winked at me before standing up and hugging my mom. I remained seated on the couch, nodding at my mom as they left.

"That was uh....interesting." She said, sitting back down on the couch. I looked over to her to see her smiling up at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you'd be meeting them so soon. I could of warned you."

"Yeahhhh, seeing you beat up two people in one day was unexpected."

She started busting out laughing, holding her stomach. I just shook my head at her, smiling down at the perfect girl.

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