Chapter 12

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Ella's POV



"All this? Everyday?"

"Yes Ella, we train like this everyday."

I watched in astonishment at the many pack members. I trained, yes, but this was intense. These people were really fighting, like blood shed and everything. It was intimating for sure.

"I guess I understand now why you made me promise you I wouldn't leave." He laughed at me, looking over at my pale face.

"These people have been training like this since they were kids Ella. There used to it. You will be too, once you start training with me. It just takes time."

I nodded but knew that it was gonna take a lot more then just time. I sometimes get tired just walking up the stairs.

As we watched, I felt a presence slowly approach us. I looked to my right to see a man standing a few feet away from us.

"Alpha, do you mind if we talk?"

Thomas didn't look his way, keeping his eyes on his pack members training. I saw the man move a little closer, thinking Thomas didn't hear him.

"Alpha? I wanted to see if we could talk about chase? I know he stepped out of line the other day in training. But I just think his punishment was a little unfair."

It was quiet for second before Thomas responded.

"Unfair? How so?" Thomas said finally looking at the man. I felt super uncomfortable in the situation, but didn't know where to go.

"Well...I know you had done the sparing training with him. And as an alpha your a lot stronger then him so it was just an unfair fight sir."

"Your right, I am a lot stronger then your son, Martin. But let's get one thing clear. Your son picks on the trainers of his group, and forces them to have to be his partner. Do you not think that's unfair?"

"Well sir they're trainers so-"

I watched as Thomas turned completely to the man, taking a step towards him. Fear was in the man, Martins, eyes. The members of the pack who were training had stopped and watched the interaction.

"My trainers work hard to train hundreds of students. They aren't going to be able to be their best after doing it for four hours. Your son knows this and uses it to his advantage. I don't tolerate that in MY pack Martin. If you disagree then the option to fight for my title is always open. Now if you don't mind, get off my training field and go teach your child some basic manners."

The man nodded, and took off past me into the house. As if on cue the others started back up with the training, acting as if nothing happened.

Thomas turned around and send me a apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's okay, I understand. So you punched a kid?" I whispered to him to so no one would hear what I said.

He just smiled, keeping his eyes to the other members of the pack. I knew he was having a hard time trying not to laugh. We silently watched the training take place for a little longer. A few people sending me confusing glances. Thomas had mentioned that they knew of a guest coming to tour the pack for a job opening but no other details were told.

"They are about to end, I can show you around the rest of the house if you'd like."

"Yeah I'd love that."

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