five {Arya's POV}

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Tony had crashed into a tree and he sat up, shaking his head. I called his name and he looked up. Bruce also joined our side, still unable to turn into his green friend.

"How are we doing? Good? Bad?" he frantically asked.

"Really, really good," Tony said and I heard the sarcasm in his voice. "Do you plan on helping out?"

"I'm trying but he won't come out," Bruce protested.

"What do you mean he won't come out?" I asked.

"Hammer!" Tony exclaimed and pushed us backwards to avoid the hammer that came flying through the air and nearly hit us in the head.

The big alien had reached the park and brought a shield this time. He used it effectively to cover himself from the blasts Tony and I started shooting in his direction. I accidentally hit a tree and the trunk broke in half, sending the branches and leaves to fall on top of Bruce. "Sorry, Bruce!" I quickly called before jumping to the side to dodge the alien's attacks. 

Tony flew around while trying to hit the alien, but it was too quick. I was on the ground and mostly focused on not getting hit while also sending lightning bolts to the alien, but it didn't seem to affect him in any way.

"Tony, this is not working!" I called.

"Just keep trying!" he replied.

The alien lashed out with the hammer and hit Tony to send him flying to the ground. I rushed to his side but ducked as I saw the hammer approach quickly. I looked up when the blow never came. I looked up and saw the red and blue spandex that was better known as my boyfriend's suit.

"Peter!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, Ry. Hi, Mr Stark," he chimed.

"Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asked.

"A field trip to MoMA!" Peter answered before he was grabbed and tossed aside. He landed near the fountain and quickly got to his feet again. He shot a web grenade in my direction and I redirected it with a lightning blast. It hit the alien and he finally stumbled.

"What is this guy's problem, Mr Stark?" Peter questioned as he continued fighting the alien.

"He's from space and he's here to steal the necklace from a wizard," Tony explained and I gave him a mental round of applause for that explanation.

Peter jumped up and stuck two webs to the shield of the alien but he closed a metal claw around Peter's body and flung him away. The alien grabbed half of the car that had come with Bruce through Strange's portal and chucked it at Tony, but he ducked aside and Peter grabbed the car with his webs to redirect it at the alien. 

It hit him in the back and he crashed to his knees. A swoop of red came flying by that I recognized to be Strange. "Kid, that's the wizard. Take Arya and get on it!" Tony called. 

"On it!" Peter answered and he swung down to me. I jumped at the right time and Peter swooped me up. I clung to his neck as he swung us after Strange. As we turned the corner, a billboard hit us square in the face and we crashed to the ground. "You okay?" he asked, pulling me to my feet. 

I nodded. "Yeah, definitely. Let's go. He's getting away." I held on tightly and he swung after Squidward - the thin alien from earlier - and Strange again. 

Strange's cape had separated from Strange himself and was now flying on its own. A blue beam came out of nowhere and it started to defy all laws of gravity as it pulled Strange toward the spaceship. Peter couldn't detach his web and we were pulled up as well. He reached out to grab a lamppost but it was pulled from the ground. We entered the beam and I knew there was no point in trying anymore. I let go of Peter. 

"Mr Stark, we're being beamed up!" he exclaimed. 

"Hang on. I'm coming," My father answered and I could hear him clearly through the intercom that was apparently installed in this suit. He thought of everything when making it, of course.

In no time, we reached the spaceship and while Strange was taken inside, Peter and I managed to stay on the outside. I tightly held on as the wind tugged at my body. The air became colder and colder and I realized we were leaving earth. 

"Tony, we could use some help!" I called. I looked to my left and saw Peter gasping for air. "Pete, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Can't breathe," he said, ripping off his mask and tossing it behind him.

The realisation hit me. "We're really high up, you're running out of air." 

He nodded faintly. "Yeah, that makes sense." 

"Pete, you gotta let go! I'm gonna catch you," Tony said through the comms. 

"Let go? Are you insane?" I exclaimed. Peter's body started to give in and his eyes drooped shut. "Pete, stay with me!" I called but I was too late, he lost grip on the spaceship and he dropped down. "Peter!"

He fell down but something hit his back and in a few seconds, a suit of nanoparticles had formed around his body, resembling the suit I was wearing. He landed on the bottom of the inner circle of the ship and rose to his feet. His eyes glowed and I let out a cheer. "Mr Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" he called. 

"Happy trails, guys. FRIDAY, send 'em home!" Tony's voice said and the next second, something erupted from my back and I was yanked away from the ship with a yelp. I looked over my shoulder and saw a black parachute.

"Oh, come on!" I heard Peter shout. 

"Ton-" I wanted to exclaim but I was cut off as my body slammed into Peter's. Our parachutes intertwined, making them completely useless. There was no way we were going to get back down to earth safely this way.

Peter shot a web at the ship and pulled us toward it. A set of doors was closing but we managed to slip inside before they shut. 

"I should've stayed on the bus," Peter said, dropping his head with a sigh. 

The doors shut with a clank and I let out a shuddering breath, pressing the button behind my ear to make my mask disappear. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Peter asked softly. His mask fell too.

I shook my head and blinked profusely to hold in the tears. "Not really." 

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

I smiled humorlessly and wiped the tears from under my eyes. "What if one of us gets hurt, Peter? I couldn't live with myself if something happens to you," I said. 

His hands gently took the sides of my face and I closed my eyes. "Look at me," he ordered softly and I opened my eyes again.  "I'll be fine, and so will you. You know why?" I shook my head. "Because we've got each other," he said. "Okay?" 

I nodded softly. "Okay." I wrapped my arms around him and tightly hugged him. "I love you." 

"I love you too. Now let's go find Mr Stark and the wizard." 

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