nine {Peter's POV}

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At Strange's cue, the plan was sent into motion. From above, Mr Stark pushed the remains of a spaceship down to land on Thanos with a crash.

We knew that wasn't going to do much damage but it was enough to buy us some time. A purple explosion erupted from under the spaceship and it blew to bits. Thanos stepped out, seemingly uninjured, and he clenched his fist. The rubble surrounding him turned into a flock of birds and they flew up. 

The birds chased Mr Stark and I swung in. I shot a web at Thanos' face and it stuck to his eye, blinding his left side. I jumped in and kicked him across the head. Drax entered and sliced the back of Thanos' leg with one of his knives. Strange joined the fight and shot orange blasts at the Titan.

Thanos lashed out and smacked Drax away. Strange created a sword-like weapon and used it to fight off Thanos, but he simply grabbed ahold of the weapon before he ripped off the webbing on his eye. Strange's mandelas were the only thing protecting him at this point as Thanos landed an overhead blow.

Quill jumped in and opened fire on Thanos. Strange tossed mandalas in the air and Quill used them as platforms to get higher up and have a clearer shot at Thanos. He leapt over the titan's head and stuck a bomb to his back. Quill had created distance between him and the explosion before he raised his middle finger at Thanos and jumped through one of Strange's portals. "Boom!" 

The bomb exploded and threw Thanos off his feet. That was Arya's cue and she shot an electricity blast at the Gauntlet. This caught Thanos off guard and he stumbled to his feet again. Strange's cloak flew in and wrapped itself around the Gauntlet, making it impossible for Thanos to close his fist. The Infinity Stones in his possession were now useless. 

Strange started opening portals and I jumped through them, using a different attack on Thanos as I passed him. "Magic." I punched his head. "More magic." I shot webs at him. "Magic with a kick." I kicked him across the jaw and he stumbled. "Magic with a-" 

Before I could finish both my sentence and my attack, Thanos wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed my body to the floor. I struggled to breathe as he seethed, "Insect." He raised me in the air again and tossed me aside. I hit Strange in the process and he was thrown off his feet. 

Thanos ripped the Cloak from his hand and it flew off. "He's an arachnid, you prune!" Arya shouted and unleashed electric blasts and lightning bolts at Thanos. Mr Stark opened fire and shot missiles and bombs from the blasters on his back. 

The combination of electricity and blasts was absorbed by the Gauntlet and Thanos redirected it at Mr Stark as he passed by. He was hit directly and I quickly rushed forward, shooting webs at the Gauntlet to stop the fire.

I was right on time to jump aside before a space pod hit Thanos. Rubble fell down and sent him to the floor. A new person jumped out of the pod and used a weapon that resembled a sword to strike Thanos. 

It turned out to be a girl with blue skin. "Well, well, well..." Thanos commented. 

"You should've killed me when you had the chance," the girl seethed angrily. 

"It would've been a waste of parts!" Thanos shouted. The girl exclaimed angrily before she unleashed furious strikes with the sword. 

"Where's Gamora?" the girl asked. Thanos didn't answer and punched the girl. She was sent flying through the air and she hit a wall. She sunk to the floor and remained still.

Strange rose up in the air and tossed glowing ropes in Thanos' direction. The ropes wrapped around the Gauntlet in an attempt to pull it off of Thanos' hand. 

Drax slid by and cut the back of Thanos' knees again. Thanos was forced to the ground and Quill jumped in, throwing an electric object right by Thanos' side. The power that came from the object made it impossible for Thanos to raise his other hand. I shot a web at his chest and pulled his body away from the Gauntlet. 

We needed to get it off, that was the only solution. Strange's ropes broke and Mr Stark took the Gauntlet and started to pull with all of his strength. Thanos was way stronger than I had anticipated and it was impossible for me to pull him away, but the legs appeared from my back and they embedded themselves in the ground.

Strange opened a portal right above Thanos' head and Arya leapt through, landing on the alien's shoulders. She pressed her hands to the sides of his head and electrified his body. His muscles all tightened, which made it impossible for him to move. 

We had discovered this a couple of weeks ago when we infiltrated this abandoned factory that criminals used to produce and sell drugs. Arya had kept her hands a bit too long on a man and instead of killing him with the high level of electricity, she had managed to electrify him just enough to keep his muscles contracted.

Mantis and Drax held down his feet while Strange and I pulled his body in the opposite direction of the Gauntlet. Mr Stark focused on getting it off but Thanos was strong, even under the high voltage of electricity that flowed through his body. 

"Up the electricity, Arya!" Mr Stark shouted and Arya scrunched her eyes shut. Thanos screamed in pain before he calmed down. "You got him?" 

"Yeah, but hurry. He's tough," Arya answered through gritted teeth as she used her full concentration on keeping him under.

"Parker?" Mr Stark shouted. "Get over here, she can't hold him much longer!" I rushed to his side and helped to get the Gauntlet off, but it was firmly wrapped around Thanos' hand and it was almost impossible to get it off. 

Quill flew in and smirked at Thanos. "I thought you'd be harder to catch," he taunted. "For the record, this was my plan." No one responded to that. "Not so strong now, huh?" he continued. "Where's Gamora?" 

People kept talking about this Gamora person but no one actually knew who she was or why everyone was looking for her. 

"Mmm... My Gamora..." Thanos grumbled. 

"No, bullshit! Where is she?" Quill pressed. 

"Quill, stop. Don't piss him off!" Arya called. 

"He's suffering!" Mantis shouted from her spot on the group. 


"He lost someone," she continued. 

The blue girl from earlier came up to us. "No..." 

"What does that monster have to lose?" Drax exclaimed. 

"Gamora..." the girl said. Quill turned around. "He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone. She didn't." 

Mr Stark's mask disappeared. "Okay, Quill. You gotta cool it, right now. You understand?" he called. 

Quill slowly turned around with a murderous look in his eyes. 

"Don't engage! We almost got this off!" Mr Stark shouted.

"Quill!" Arya called. 

"Tell me she's lying," Quill said to Thanos, his voice cracking. When Thanos didn't respond, he continued, "Asshole! Tell me you didn't do it!"

"I... had... to..." Thanos mustered out. 

"No, you didn't... No... YOU DIDN'T!" Quill screamed as he slammed the end of his gun into Thanos' face. Arya's hands left Thanos' head and her power over him disappeared. His eyes cleared and he blinked before they focused on the scene around him.

He was back.

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