Clint Barton - Troublemaker

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It was the first of November, a cold night, rain pouring and everybody unwinding from the night before, which of course was Halloween, having had late night parties and too much to drink. With the nights drawing in, it was dark usually by five now. I pulled my coat on and zipped it up under my chin, getting ready to leave work for the night, I grab my bag and head for the door, shouting my goodbyes to my fellow co-workers, I pulled on the door and a gust of cold wind took my breath away as I stepped out into the night. As I walked down the street, I observed to passers by doing the same as me, bundled up warm, ready for home, masses of traffic backed up along the streets, horns blaring when the traffic wasn't moving fast enough, rain still coming down hard, I pulled my hood over my head and crossed my arms over my chest, snuggling into the warmth some more.

I then got the sudden feeling that I was being watched or maybe even followed, I turned my head to look over my shoulder, trying to stop the paranoid feeling that I had, when suddenly I'm being pinned up against a cold brick wall. It all happened so fast, my bag was taken first, I was punched in the stomach next, dropping me to the ground. They then took my coat and ran, not before punching me in the face, making me disorientated and unable to take off after them. I crawled to the wall, my head throbbing in pain and the rain quickly soaking through my clothes, I used the wall as leverage to stand and clutched my head trying to soothe the pain. I looked down the alley, in the direction they went trying to refocus and I could've screamed in anger and fear, if I wasn't in shock.
I was quickly pulled out of my trance by a car horn, it was then that I realised the cold biting my skin and my clothes stuck to me. I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to preserve whatever heat I could. With a shuddering breath I turned around and headed for home.

My mind was so preoccupied that my body fell into cruise mode and started to carry me home, a shaky sigh slipped through my lips as I began to shake from the cold. My hair, now drenched, stuck to my face. The rain hiding my tears that rolled down my cheeks. As I replayed the ambush over and over in my head, I didn't pay much attention to my immediate surroundings and even less attention to the figure moving towards, that was until I collided with his chest, causing both of us to stumble backwards from the impact. I clutched my head for the second time tonight and looked up with an annoyed expression on my face. I was surprised to see a very cute looking man standing there rubbing his chest, the spot I walked into, with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Oh man, are you ok?", he asked taking a step forward. I took one back, not feeling very trusting in strangers at the present time.
"Err, yeah sorry. I wasn't paying attention", I stutter, realising how cold I was now that I stopped moving. I hugged my body tighter and shivered. "I should probably get going now anyway", I utter pointing in the direction I was heading in.
"Oh, err, yeah", he said watching me as I walked past him. "Wait!", he called out running to catch up with me, making me whip around in surprise. "My mother always said be a gentleman", he said taking off his jacket.
"No, no, you really don't have to do that", I stammer walking backwards my hand out in front of me trying to stop him.
"Oh yes I do", he persisted following me, "besides you'll get frost bite out here", his hand extended with his jacket dangling from it.
I stopped walking and stared at him, "W..Why would you help me?", I asked sheepishly.
"Because not only is it the right thing to do, but", he said nodding to the cut on my face, "it looks like you've had a hell of a night".
I subconsciously bring my hand up to my face and wince when I touch the cut.
"Can I ask what happened?", he probed now stepping forward and putting the coat around my shoulders when I didn't back away.
My hand still holding my cheek as I stare into space, "I err, I got mugged", I replied as I snap back, and look up to this beautiful stranger.
"Wait what?", he pauses and stares at me.
"Err yeah, it's nothing", I said pulling the coat around me properly.
"Did you at least see they're faces?", he questions.
"No and if you don't mind, I'd like to get back home", I say.
"Oh yeah of course", he says looking up to the sky, raining running down his face and then he looks back to me, "I'll walk you home".
"No, you really don't have to the coat is already too much".
"I insist", he replies, "so what do I call you miss, or is troublemaker ok?" he asks chuckling, as we start walking.
"Y/N", I laugh, "and what do I call you or is 'my hero' ok?".
"I mean 'your hero' is always ok", he smirks, "but I guess Clint is ok as well".
"Well, thank you Clint", I said.
As we walked, we talked about anything and everything. Talking to him was easily and relaxing, like nothing I'd ever experienced with someone before.
We slowly came to a stop outside my apartment building.
"Well", I started with a sigh, "this is me". I start to take off the coat he had given me.
"No, no keep it", he insisted. "I have this feeling we'll be seeing each other again", he finished with a wink.
"Ok", I uttered, completely mesmerised by his face; his eyes shone with hope and a small dopey smile plastered his features.
"I'll see you soon then, Clint", I winked back, leaning into him to place a kiss on his cheek. I walked passed him towards the building's door, I turned around to see Clint already looking at me, "and thank you", I added.
"Goodnight, troublemaker," he smiles.
I smirk at the nickname and enter the building. Who would've thought that such a traumatic event could have such a gigantic turnaround.

It had been several days since the incident, since I'd heard from Clint. I still kept his jacket in hopes that he'd come by and pick it up.
With another hard work day over, I packed up and left the office and started on my walk home, I observed the streets, still jittery from the attack only a week ago, a cold autumn night with the wind howling between the buildings. I tuck my scarf in my coat and pull it as tight as it will go, preserving what little warmth I have.
I swiftly made it back to my apartment building and breathe a sigh of relief that nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I let myself into the building and notice the super' collecting his mail, I say a short 'hello' and started climbing the stair to my floor. I got to the last flight of stairs and reached into my bag to grab my spare set of keys, when I felt a wall of muscle collide with me. I felt myself falling backwards until a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.
"We should really stop meeting like this", a familiar voice said.
I looked up for a smile to form on my face, at the sight of Clint as he pulled me into his chest.
"Well hello stranger", I say almost breathlessly.
"Hi", he utters back, staring at my face.
I looked passed him to see a parcel sitting on the floor just outside my door.
"How'd you know which one was my apartment?", I questioned pulling away from him and making my way to the door.
"I may have bribed the super'", he admits sheepishly.
I pick up the parcel and smirk as I side eye him, "seems I need a new super'".
I put the key in the lock, "you coming in?" I ask.
He raises his eyebrow at me suggestively. "I still have your coat idiot", I laugh as I step over the threshold, leaving the door open for Clint. I throw my keys down into a bowl on the coffee table, and set my bag down on the floor as I make my way towards the kitchen. I set the parcel down on the counter, just as I hear the door close.
"Nice place", Clint shouts.
"Thanks, make yourself at home", I call back nonchalantly as I search for something to open the parcel with.
Once open, I searched the contents of the box and notice a small card with a purple arrow on it and my head snaps up and a presence in the doorway. Suddenly it clicks. I met THE Hawkeye. Avenger. Good Guy Clint Barton.
"Oh my god", I say in surprise as I look at his sheepish face, "so you're...".
"Yeah", he replies as he rests his hand on the back of his neck.
I delve further into the parcel and notice my things, my belongings that where stolen.
"and you..".
"Got your things back? Yeah", he looks down, smirking.
"Holy shit", I chuckle, smirking, he looks up analysing my expression. "I mean.. well.. yeah.. thanks", I stammer, star struck that I have an Avenger in my house.
"Oh yeah", I say suddenly remembering that I have yet to give his coat back. I shuffle passed him, in search of said coat, finding it thrown over the back of the couch.
"I believe this is yours good sir", I chuckle as I hand it back to him.
"Why thank you m'lady", he smiles.
We shared a moment just staring at each other, neither daring to break eye contact in fear we'd never see each other again.
"Coffee?", he suddenly blurted out a little too loudly. "Sorry", he chuckled at his eagerness and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, looking down. "Would you like to get coffee sometime?" he asked shyly.
"I'd love to", I answered quietly but quickly, causing us both to laugh a little.
"Can I have you're...", he started but was swiftly cut off by me passing him the piece of card, imprinted with the purple arrow on it, now marked with my number on the other side.
"That was quick", he joked.
"Well I wasn't sure whether you'd ask, so I thought I'd secretly plant this in your coat pocket, you know ... just in case", I replied with a wink.
"You really are trouble aren't you?", he uttered, eyes never leaving mine.
"Oh you have no idea", I whisper back, taking a step closer to him.
His eye flashed down to my lips for a brief second, "Ah fuck it", he sighs and closes the gap between us and smashes his lips onto mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he snakes his around my waist, in a desperate attempt to pull each other closer.
When we eventually pull away, we chuckle breathlessly.
"I better go", Clint whispers to me, lips ghosting over mine.
"Yeah ok", I reply mindlessly still staring at his lips. He smirks making my attention shoot up to his eyes, realising he's already been watching me.
I reluctantly step back from him and walk to the door and open it for him leaning against the door as he exits into the hallway.
"Good night trouble maker", he smirks leaning back in to kiss me, I easily reciprocate and am once again left breathless as we part.
"Good night, hero", I whisper to him making eye contact.
He smiles at me and turns to leave, I wait until he's out of sight before closing the door and once it is, overcome with excitement, I jump around squealing and I'm left with this feeling that this is the beginning of something magical. 

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