Bruce Banner - What about now pt.2

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Several weeks has passed since their encounter at the café, life had gone as on normal, Bruce had opened up to the team about where he had been that day and what exactly the government wanted with his research and of course, they all agreed with Y/N about keeping that sort of information out of their hands. He had asked for their help in tracking her down, subtly of course he didn't want to scare her off, they had no such luck, well, until now.

His mind had wandered again to thoughts of her, something that hadn't happened since the accident, he thought she'd died in that explosion, he had mourned her for years, how is it possible that she's back?
Memories from their time together suddenly came pouring back to him as if a closet door had just been flung wide open and they all came tumbling out.
One thought he couldn't shake however, 'why hadn't she been in contact before now', he shook his head coming out of his haze, getting up from his desk and groaning as he stretches out his aching body. Too many hours in lab again. 
"You ok Bruce?", a voice asks, coming from the other side of the lab.
"Yeah, fine Tony", as replies, "I think I'm going to call it a night".
He moseys over to Tony's desk, seeing said man hunched over his latest obsession.
"Isn't that something from Clint's quiver?", Bruce asks trying and failing to conceal a yawn.
Tony briefly looks up and then carries on with his work. "Yeah, I noticed last time when I was on mission with him, that the electric shock doesn't deploy fast enough, so I've taken it upon myself to fix the problem".
"Alright, good luck and don't be up all night with it", Bruce adds.
"Yeah, yeah", Tony mumbles waving him off as Bruce leaves the lab for the night.

Before long Bruce is opening the door to his room when his name his called from down the corridor.
He turns to find Clint jogging up towards him.
"Yeah? What's up Clint?", he asks fatigue evident in his voice.
"Big news", Clint announces and then pauses.
Bruce stands and waits patiently for him to finish and when he doesn't, grows frustrated.
"Spit it out Clint, or I'm going to bed". He just wants nothing more than to bury his face in his pillow.
"We found her", he declares.
It takes Bruce a minute to figure out who he means, his tired brain needing to reboot itself, then it clicks.
"Oh my god!", he exclaims a new burst of energy surges through him, "Seriously? Where?".
"Well, Nat is currently trying to triangulating her position as we speak, we'll know more in the morning, but with the data we've gathered this seems to be a very solid lead".
For almost five weeks now, they have been trying and failing to find her, each time Bruce got his hopes up only to be let down time and time again.
"You've said that about the last two leads now Clint", Bruce sighs rubbing his fingers across his brow, knocking his glasses askew.
"I know and I'm sorry for that, but this time I really believe that this could be the one", he pauses looking at Bruce, "just sleep on it and we'll talk more in the morning, you look exhausted".
"Right yeah, will do", Bruce mumbles, "night Clint" he adds and he closes the door behind himself.

The next morning brings sunshine and clear skies, making this spring day feeling like the middle of summer. The sun shines down on the compound and beams through the windows, a small sliver of light breaks through the curtains in Bruce's room and stretches across his face, warming his cheek and waking him up.
He yawns as his eyes flutter and rolls onto his back, his arm draped over his forehead, he lays there for a few seconds breathing deep and waking himself gradually. Then suddenly he remembers his conversation with Clint from the night before. Huffing he throws off his covers and climbs out of bed, he bumbles into the bathroom to wash his face and sort his hair, when he looks presentable, he walks to his closest and grabs his outfit for the day finally shuffling towards the door to go and see what data the team has collected, but not before popping into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. He wanders down to the mission's room, screens fill one side of the room, usually plastered with statics and live recordings of the missions that the team undertake, today however, thankfully the screens are all off.

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