One - Ill-Fated Autumn

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A mission to Japan, slightly unspecified, yet mandatory all the same. Reyes didn't know exactly what was going on, other than the increased tension within the urban areas of Hanamura city, between omnic and human alike. Somewhat evils were writhing within the dark of every alley that led who knows where. Or perhaps it was just the commander's equally tense mind playing tricks upon his normally collected one. 

Primary objectives: Gather data about the conflict and the status of the Shimada Clan.  

It was easy enough, in fact too easy for someone as experienced as Reyes was. So, why was he here? Why would he take such a lowly ranked mission, if you could even call it that? It was because of his relationship with the head of the house, Sojiro Shimada. 

The man trusted Gabriel, even gaining a status of 'friends', if it was possible. Maybe even more so. Regardless, he didn't know that Overwatch were planning to disband the clan of their illegal activities later on. This was just a cover up. A facade of something that would take its effect later, in the shadows of the night, and in the background of the press. A sting operation, almost. 

What was confidential between the two men was that Gabriel had sworn an oath beforehand, to protect Sojiro and both of his sons from any kind of damage. Sworn to what? Nothing but his life, of course. 

As the commander took the tedious walk up to the castle on the hill, he couldn't help but feel that something was off. He had had a bad feeling about the entire mission since he boarded the ORCA on the way to the sunrise land, and the towering presence of the dojo against his own tiny stature compared to it made his suspicions even worse.

Everything seemed so beautiful and peaceful here. The gentle rustle of the fiery tipped leaves, the vibrant crimson of the paint almost glowing against the bleak Autumn skies...
And the sound of gunfire.

Artillery. Consistent. Threatening.

He had to act to save Sojiro.

Running now and gripping his dual shotguns hard, Reyes called the old man's name amidst the rage of the omnic's fire. He avoided the bullets from ducking under cover, eventually finding the man in question and heaving himself up from the bottom layer to get to him.

He knew the man was old, for sure, yet not at all frail. He was capable. He knew it so. He was a samurai, after all. 

"Holy shit, Sojiro -" The commander was breathless as he took and fired his own shots. "How long have you been holding them off for? And by yourself at that?" He seemed rather impressed, in all honesty. The winded breath of the samurai spoke for the first time.

"Five minutes," was his rasped reply. "But I have not come unscathed." 

A clean bullet wound to the man's side. And a crimson stain upon his delicate robes. Within the short-sentenced conversation they had, the oath-bound men pressed the omnic invasion. However, not for long. And Sojiro now had a plan. 

"They are running out of forces to combat us." The Japanese man began.
"I'll bet."

"Quickly, hurry to Genji and collect him. He must be with us."

"And Hanzo?"

"He is not here. Run, go, mister Reyes. Hurry." The order was set, and the commander followed it. 

An almost innocent child of around 18 sat there in another room, in the corner, as pale as can be. When this boy, Genji, saw Gabriel, hope was brought to his eyes. A false sense of one at that. 

With a brief 'C'mon, kid.', he quickly followed back the centre of the dojo to find... 

A sea of omnics, and a body in the middle. 

Sojiro was dead.

The boy and Reyes were under fire once more, orders of staying behind the adult were given, but...

An explosion. 

Not to him.
But to his only oath carrier remaining. 

"Genji, Genji, shit, oh lord..." Gabe picked up the unconscious, limp body of Genji Shimada, and instantly called the ORCA to pick him and the child up from the now overrun empire.

"Launch bay? I'm headed to the pickup point right now... It's the boy, yeah. He's severely damaged alright. ... it'll do." 

That day, in the kingdom of sunrise, fate ran black. Hope was lost. The Clan was gone.

The sting operation wasn't needed. 

A samurai fallen to machine in the crisis.

And his son, well... 

He would still live as a man, in what killed his father.

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