Two - Induct the Implement

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"So, you just let him be a casualty?" The voice butted in through the lament of Reyes. The interrogation room faded into view once more. Floodlights hanging above their heads, with a ceiling fan whirring above them.

XX, XX, 2068.

The commander looked lightly shook as he stared at this snide being sat in front of him, with a piercing ice glare. Guilt ran through his veins, as his heart pounded in a regular tempo.

"What? Of course I didn't let him. The explosion was something I couldn't control, understand?" He snapped as the interrogator nodded, taking notes. 
"Mm. I do." 

A tense pause ensued, with the scribbling of the pen against paper filling the air. It wasn't a scratch, more of an elegant glide, coming from a person who seemed on the sharp edge of that about their mission. What even was it? To just bribe answers out of this commander, that has already been through, and could take no more of, the pressure of questions for the past two weeks?

The writing stopped, and the tension only thickened. 
"So, now that that's out of the way..." They began, making eye contact with him, seeming unfazed by the look as cold as a fireless hearth. Of course, they had rid of that fiery look in his eyes. Or had they strengthened it? "Could I get an answer on what happened next? What exactly went down at the med-bay, Mister Reyes?" 

The tanned man sighed, and gave in. He had already told them most details to give away the story entirely. If he refused to give any more of it, they would get everybody else in on it. And Reyes didn't want that. It was just him, it always has been. He could deal with it on his own, as clarified before. 

"After I boarded the ORCA with Genji, I instantly took him to the place..." 


As soon as the call was made, the entire staff of the Swiss Base in the medical sector began to panic and think - what use was this boy if he wasn't going to live to much use here, anyway? Even Captain Morrison thought upon it for a considerable amount of time. And as the ORCA landed with the terrible physical state of the teenager, and the slowly crumbling yet still withholding one of Reyes, everyone was on the case instantly.

When time passed, and Genji was slowly recovering from the burns of the explosion, the rips of bullets that had bounced through him like a pinball machine - hitting one side of his ribs, and puncturing organs -  and the tears and slashes of scars cutting deep into the remainder, Gabriel and Angela were now talking of the state, what the Shimada was to him personally, and what would go on with his condition. 

"...I understand fully, Gabe. I really do." Angela spoke in her soothing, woe-ridden tones after the commander had explained the relationship status and what had previously ensued. Glints of sympathy were scattered across her sapphires. 

"Thanks. Just, please, Angie. I feel like I'm being desperate, but... he's the son I've never had, you see. Is there anything you can do to help him?"
With a shaky sigh, she began to continue, looking over the damaged boy in sorrow.
"There is one thing. But it might not please you," A pause. "As we already know how to program prosthetic limbs for severely damaged ones, Genji could have an artificial body. An entirely new set of limbs, save for his head and his neck, of course."

Gabe thought about this. Hard. It was tempting. A complete revival of himself, but one thing was on his mind. "Wouldn't he find it difficult to get used to? It's a whole body, never mind an arm or a leg," He began. "It'll all be replaced. It'd take him years to get back into life as a cyborg." Another tense pause ensued before the Swiss doctor could continue. 

"We believe that Genji might have developed a very severe form of Post-traumatic amnesia. Everything what happened before the accident might have been lost. I'll run some more tests when he's conscious. But, for now," She turned back to the commander. "I need your decision on this. Would you want to go forward with it, Gabe?"

A definitive nod. "It's for him, isn't it? Of course I'll go for it. Thank you, Angie."

"It's no problem! We'll get to it as soon as we can." Ziegler turned to leave, but another word from the Commander got her to turn around. "What is it?"

"Please, be careful with him, Angela." 

"You can count on me for it, Gabe."


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