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i sat quietly upon the dew stricken grass. even though it began to itch i didn't really care. in stead i sat and looked at the marble slab in front of me. i let out a heavily sigh.

i unlocked my phone looking at the time.

12:30 pm

usually i would be at the diner by now but there was something preventing me from going.

maybe it was that i missed my mum and wanted to be here.

maybe it was that i hadn't been to her grave in over a week. hell, i hadn't even left my tiny apartment in over a week.

i could think of many excuses of why.

but i know the true reason. and it was something that scared me, it was michael.

i subconsciously reached up and ran my hand of the now faded bruise he left on the base of my neck. i could still feel the heat of his breath fanning across the skin.

i could even feel the sensation of his lips dancing over my pale skin.

it made my shutter. but not for the reason you'd think. i missed the feeling and in the end that was what truly scared me.

not the fact that he followed me, or watched me, or even took advantage of me.

it was the fact that i enjoyed it. i enjoyed the attention he put on me. never in my life had i had any attention from anyone. not even my parents.

it felt so wrong to be enthralled by such an odd boy.

so the past week i hid from michael, in hopes of these feelings would disappear.

but instead i found my self letting my thoughts drift to him. i was decapitated by the kid.

the way his green eyes would watch over me in the diner; i had only noticed him after the day i bumped into him.

as i let my thought be taken over by the green hair boy i hadn't even notice the presence of someone else until i heard a twig snap.

i looked up toward the blinding sun to see michael standing over me with a sly smirk of his face.

"why have you been hiding from me, kitten?" he sounded angry. i felt my heart drop as he leaned down and wrapped his hand around my upper arm pulling me up swiftly.

"I wasn't hiding. i-, i was out of town." I spoke softly.

"bull shit." he seethed. he pulled me closer to his body. the skirt i was wearing began to ride up ever so slightly. "you are too beautiful to be lying." he breathed out.

"i-im sorry." i shook my head as he moved his lips closer to mine. i wanted them to connect so badly. but michael only hovered there. i could feel his heavy breaths on my skin. i leaned in to connect our lips.

but michael only pulled away shaking his head. i let out a whine and pouted slightly. i looked to the ground, averting eye contact with him. but i felt a finger underneath my chin pulling my attention back to michael.

"don't pout." he breathed out. he looked at me and smirked. "now, what do you want." he asked.

"what?" i asked confused of what he was asking.

"what do you want me to do?" he smirked again leaning in his lips were once again mere inches away from mine.

"i-i want," i paused looking up at him through my thick blond eye lashes. but i didn't say anything because in all honesty i felt stupid. this whole thing was stupid. how could i want to kiss the boy who i fear?

"you want what?" he smirked.

"this is stupid michael." i tried to break away from his grasp. but his hands only tightened around my waist.

"marry, don't." he seethed. growing angry once more. "you've hidden from me all week, and i'm angry with you." he was close to my ear. mere centimeters away.

"then why are you here, michael? if you're so mad with me." i asked leaning away from him.

"because i missed you, kitten. and i'm entitled to see what's mine." he spoke lowly in to my ear. finally i felt his lips come into contact with my neck. he began to leave sloppy wet kisses.

"michael stop," i begged trying to push him away.

"you want this, i know you do." he moaned as his lips moved higher and higher. i did want this. i really did.

"i don't," i said pushing harder.

but michael didn't bugged. nor did he speak. all he did was place his lips on mine and began to kiss me roughly.

and sadly enough i kissed him back.



i start school this week and the update with be a little shorter and more spaced out.

but i hope you like this update,

what do you think?

should i write in mary's p.o.v more often?

i love you guys and thank you for 300+ reads it means the world to me! i truly hope you're enjoying this story.

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