Good Old Hasetsu (Yuri)

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It's been a few days since the Grand Prix Finals. It is hard to believe I spent the last eight months with Victor as my coach. Next season not only will he be my coach again, but we will be competing against each other.

I've been spending most of my day running around Hasetsu, keeping myself in shape for the upcoming season. Because I didn't exactly win during the main part of the season, I haven't been allowed to eat any pork cutlet bowls. Minako and Yuko texted me earlier saying that they wanted me to meet them at the Ice Castle later. Yuko wants to film a short promotional video for the skating rink to try and get more tourists to come to the area. I find it to be a great idea. The only time Hasetsu had a lot of tourists and people was during the "Hot Springs On Ice" event.

As I approached the Ice Castle, the sun began to creep behind the clouds. It was cold, but the sliver of sun peeking through gave warmth. Minako was standing outside waiting for me.

"You're late, Yuri. You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago."

"I was running all day. You know how I stop to enjoy the view sometimes. It helps clear my mind." 

"Well hurry up inside. You have to get changed so we can start filming." 

Hours passed and we just finished filming. Everyone was tired. I leaned against the rink, drinking some water before going out to cool down. Minako came up to me and asked, "When are you and Victor leaving for the United States?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot you both are going to the U.S. It sounds exciting," Yuko chimed in.

"We are leaving in a couple of days. We don't know how long we are staying there though. Viktor has been packing our bags all day for the trip."

Minako leaned against the board beside me. "The reason you and Victor are going to the U.S. is because of a random text message he received the night you came back, correct?" 

I nodded back to her. "He claims he might know the person, but I don't know. I'm trusting him though. A little trip to the U.S. could help me figure out what my theme will be for next season."

"Just be careful out there. I heard there are a lot of crazy people who like to party and drink on the weekends," Yuko said while flipping through the video takes. 

"Be sure to mail some American alcohol back for me too," Minako said. "You know what I like."

"Being in Detroit with Phichit wasn't all that bad. The area was quite beautiful. Coach Celestino used to take us around to explore. Sometimes we would visit parts of Canada. Massachusetts is all new to me. All I know is the state is full of American history and expensive schools."

Minako's eyes perked up. "Maybe there's some hot men there. By chance is there any way I can slither in on this trip with you??"

Yuko slapped Minako upside her head. "Let Victor and Yuri have this trip to themselves. Besides, they kind of need a little honeymoon after their engagement."

"Nononononono!" I felt embarrassed. "I bought the rings as a symbol of trust and bondage, not for marriage."

"Whatever you say, Yuri," both said while patting my back.

I awkwardly ran into the locker room to change. Engagement. Marriage. Did Victor mean what he said during dinner the night before the finals? Would we be married by now if I had won? I zipped my jacket up and started walking home. The whole time I kept thinking about the possible outcomes of where I would be if I won gold. At the end of the day, it was a close competition. At least I beat one of Victor's records. When I walked into my room, luggage and clothes were neatly placed on one side, while Victor was asleep in bed. Makkachin was beside the bed, almost guarding him, but he was also asleep. It made me smile a bit. Victor seems so happy to go on this trip with me, that he'd do anything to keep me from worrying too much. After showering, I climbed into bed under Victor's arms, kissing his hand while cuddling closer. Being with him makes me feel less afraid. I feel safe. And in ways, sometimes eros.

(Second chapter complete. Who knows how many more are left to write. Anyways, hope y'all are enjoying it. I've been watching the anime non-stop to study the character and to be able to throw in some easter eggs as the time comes.)

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