World of Plastic

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"Hey, Rico have you heard about our holiday assignment?  You, me, Chelsea, and Jake are in one group and our topic is 'The Past' but with reference to pollution created by plastic ". " That's great Alice. My grandma always tells me stories from when she was a teenager and based on those stories I can very much say that her life was scary considering what happened because of plastic. I'll tell you what, after school, you, me, Jake and Chelsea can come to my house and we can write our assignment from my grandma's point of view". Alice quickly agreed and informed Jake and Chelsea to meet her after school by Rico's locker. Rico picked them up and drove home. "Grandma!!!" Rico exclaimed in joy when he saw her. "I brought some of my friends over to write an assignment and we need your help". "Sure, Rico. Hello Jake, Alice, and Chelsea". "Hello, Mrs. Gonsalves" they all greeted. Rico quickly briefed his granny on everything, she smiled sadly "Oh children I could go on and on about the types of pollution, especially marine pollution because I was a Scuba Diver and every once in a while my teammates and I would volunteer to help clean the water bodies surrounding our area. It was horrible because every time we went to clean we would find plastic bags around the neck of a turtle or some marine animals suffocating because they got caught in a bag. Although plastic had its advantages, it also had many disadvantages. It became so bad that once a whale had washed up on the shores and when it was dissected they found around 17 pounds of plastic in the stomach. It wasn't better in other countries also. Cows, for example, had started falling ill. Milk produced by them started tasting bitter and meat started to look funny. Since many people were non-vegetarians they were dependent on meat and fish. The same fish and meat that could have ingested god knows how many pieces of plastic and toxins thus harming human beings. Vegetarians did not have it easy either. They were dependent on food that was grown naturally i.e. given by Mother Nature but how could they get their supply of food if plastic disturbed their growth. Slowly plastic started replacing everything. It came to a point where people started falling ill and dying without a cure.  Fortunately a few years later, the president started taking action against the use of plastic. His one question "How many people have to die before we realize that plastic is the cause?" made people turn over a new leaf. They started saying NO to plastic and now 40 years later we have an Earth; our home, clean and green in which we can stay peacefully". "Woah! thanks, Grandma". The next day Rico and everybody proudly submitted their assignment along with an article for the school newspaper hoping that plastic remains illegal. 

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