Chapter I

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It was two years ago today that I last saw Chloe Beale - the love of my life. We had broken up due to the fact that Chloe's parents didn't approve of our relationship and more so, our engagement. I didn't think that anything would have come between us but it dawned on me that I couldn't give Chloe what she needed or wanted, so as much as it pained me, I had to let her go. I didn't stop thinking about her though. Not a day went by that I didn't think about the redheaded beauty. I tried not to get too caught up in my thoughts about her but it was tough.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss Chloe. I thought about her every day and went to sleep thinking about her. I missed her being in my bed. I missed cuddling up with her and falling asleep to her sweet scent of vanilla and strawberry. I missed her thick red hair in my face when I woke up. She was my everything but I couldn't give her what she needed. I still remember that painful day...

"Don't go, Beca," she said, tears in her eyes.

"I have to, Chlo," It took everything in me not to cry.

"You don't have to do this,"

"I can't give you what you want."

"You CAN, Beca!" She cried. "Don't leave me!"

I felt a knife to my stomach but I said my final goodbye and left her without saying another word. The last image I have of Chloe was her crying her eyes out because of me. I still don't know if I made the right decision or not. I was now a world-famous music producer and I told Chloe that I'd come back for her once I sorted out my life but I didn't know whether or not she was still waiting for me. Every day I wondered whether or not she had found someone new and it pained me to think about it. I hadn't even spoken to Chloe after our breakup. Sure, she sent me texts trying to get me to come back to her but I didn't. I still didn't know if I made the right decision but I avoided that thought as much as I could.

It was creeping up to eight at night when I received an email from Clay Simms, one of many agents of Barham Studios - the music production company that I work with. There was a party approaching in Los Angeles for musicians to celebrate Barham's birthday. There was a big list but I wasn't able to see it since not everyone had RSVP'd yet.

I looked at the date and compared it with my schedule. The party was one month away and I had nothing on that day except a meeting in the morning but that was it. I wasn't fussed on parties, I was never the party person but since my life of fame had kicked off well, I became more and more accustomed to the party scene and was becoming quite fond of it so I RSVP'd. It was a party in L.A so it was bound to be good.


The month had gone by quick and I was getting ready for the party in my bedroom. Since the party was neat casual, I decided against a dress or a skirt. Even though I had grown accustomed to wearing those sorts of clothes, I still preferred pants. So, I wore jeans, leather shoes, and a collared jumper with my hair down and wavy. I looked good and I didn't care if I was the only female who was wearing pants. I was comfortable and that's all that mattered.

My driver, courtesy of Barham Studios, picked me up out the front of my house and took me to the party that was about half an hour away. When I arrived, I entered a large house filled with people who were eating, drinking, and talking. I was greeted instantly by the doorman then several other people who were fans of my work. I thanked them then ended up talking with at least ten different people within the span of half an hour, each conversation as detailed as the last.

After all the talking I was parched not to mention hungry, so I walked over to the bar and ordered a scotch. I drunk what was in my glass within minutes and got a water, which quenched my thirst. I was feeling better after I had something to eat but my stomach dropped when I saw a familiar face from across the room.

It was a woman with bright blue eyes and radiant red hair. It was Chloe. I froze on the spot and watched her. She was talking with some people, smiling and laughing with them. She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a short, and I mean, short skirt, knee-high boots, a low-cut top, and a leather jacket. The outfit was entirely black and I swore I was going to pass out if I kept staring at her. What the Hell was she doing here? I thought.

She was absolutely beautiful and I wanted nothing more to approach her but I didn't have the chance when Chloe moved quickly along with several other people, all dressed in black, and walked onto a small platform, which was a stage. Whoever owned the place had a lot of dough. The house was huge and the fact that they had enough room to build a proper stage inside said something.

Chloe got into position on the stage and the lights dimmed. I stood and watched the show begin as Chloe and everyone else sang. It felt like I hadn't heard the redhead sing in years because when she sang I got tears in my eyes. She had the voice of an angel and one of my favourite things was to wake up and hear her singing in the kitchen or come home and hear her sing.

Chloe looked so happy and so carefree up on that stage. It was like she was born to perform. She was content and surrounded by people who obviously loved her and loved working with her. They all smiled at one another and held each other's hands once their performance was over.

I clapped with the audience with my eyes still glued to Chloe. Even though she was wearing makeup, I could see that she was flustered. Whenever she danced she got that way, especially if she was singing as well. Chloe smiled and waved to the crowd, then her eyes landed on me and that's when her beaming grin fell from her face. She looked rather pale and for a moment I thought she was going to be sick but she scurried off the stage before anything happened.

What the heck?

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