Chapter VIII

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"I have good news," I said, resting in Beca's arms after another round of lovemaking.

Ever since we got back together, Beca and I haven't been able to keep our hands off of each other. It was like we were back in college and it felt so good. After I was done talking to my parents, Beca flew us back to L.A where she had several business meetings to attend to before we had dinner together. Dinner didn't last long though. Instead of having a three-course meal, we ate dinner as quickly as we could then came back to Beca's mansion where we made love for hours on end. It was perfect.

"What's that?" Beca asked, gently stroking my hair, which made me super sleepy.

"My parents want to come to our wedding."

"They do?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes, they finally realised that you're actually good for me and saw how happy I was with you."


"I know, it was a shock to me, too!"

"Well, since we've got that out of the way..." Beca slipped out from under me and rolled over to her bedside drawer.

"Hey! I was comfy!" I whined.

"Trust me, this'll be worth it."

I pouted playfully then watched her roll back over to me and sit up against the headboard. She pulled me up to meet her, grabbed my hand, and slipped on the biggest diamond ring I have ever seen in my entire life onto my ring finger.

"Marry me?" She asked.

"Oh my God, Becs... Yes,"


"Yes! A million times yes!"

She smiled at me then I lept into her arms where we shared a big kiss and cuddle.

"I thought you wanted to catch up on these past two years before we jumped into anything again," I uttered.

"We should have already been married, Chlo. I'm done waiting. I've already wasted two years of my life not being with you and I won't let another day go by where we're not married. I want to get married immediately."

I pulled away and blinked back my tears.

"You can cry, Chlo," she told me softly.

"I know, but I also know you hate it when I cry."

"Yes, but I know those are tears of happiness... Right?"

"Yeah," I laughed and let my tears roll down my cheeks. "I've missed you, Becs."

"I've missed you, too, baby." She gave me a warm smile and gently stroked my tears away with her thumb.

"When did you buy this?" I asked about my new engagement ring, which felt like I was carrying a boulder on my finger.

"Today. I wanted you to have the best."

"I'm scared to ask how many carats this is."


HOLY SHIT! I choked on my own spit.

"Beca Mitchell!" I exclaimed.

"What?" She asked plainly as if nothing were wrong.

"Seven carats! Are you serious?"

"Ah... yeah?"

"I... I can't..."

"Chlo," she took my hand and looked deep into my eyes. "Money doesn't matter to me. You deserve anything and everything your heart desires. I'm going to spoil you like never before because you deserve it and more. Seven carats is nothing. If you want, I can get you a one-carat ring or a ten-carat ring - it doesn't bother me. Now that we're back together I'm going to give you everything. I have a lot of making up to do."

"Becs, you don't need to make up for anything. Just being back together is enough."

"I knew you'd say that, but this is me."


She chuckled. "Yeah - stubborn."

I giggled then gave her a passionate kiss, which lasted quite a while.

"As much as I want to get married to you tomorrow, I want a big wedding with all of our friends and family," I told her.

"Fair enough," she sighed. "We better get onto the wedding plans straight away then. I don't want to waste any more time than we have to. I want to hurry up and be your wife."

The words made me melt and I kissed her again.

"You will be, babe. We'll be Mrs Beca and Chloe Mitchell before you know it."

She smiled a big, white smile at me that I adored so much.


"Yeah," I confirmed with a smile and a kiss.

"Move in with me then?"

"Oh my God, Becs," I laughed.

"What?" She mimicked.

"This is super fast."

"We were living together and on the verge of getting married two years ago. Why not just pick up where we left off? I haven't changed and I don't think you have either."

What did I do to deserve this woman? I asked myself. She was just so perfect in every way. I was so infatuated with her it was unreal. She was the woman of my dreams and not a day went by that I didn't think about her. Yes, my heart shattered into a million pieces when she left me but that didn't matter anymore. She was back in my life and she was prepared to spend the rest of it with me as my wife. She was everything that I ever wanted and more. My dream was actually about to come true and I couldn't wait for my special day.

"No, I haven't changed. I'm still crazy about you, Becs." I said, tears spilling from my eyes.

"I'm still crazy about you, too, Chlo... I'm... I'm so sorry..." Beca hung her head and began to sob.

"Becs!" I cried out and took her in my arms immediately.

"I'm so sorry, Chlo... I was such an idiot..."

Her tears crushed me and made me cry even more.

"Please, babe... Please don't cry. It's over now."

"But I hurt you... I never should have left... I can't tell you how much I needed you these past two years... I ruined everything... I tried to ignore the realisation of the wrong that I did but now I can't stop it."

"Oh, Becs..." I kissed her head and held her tight. "You don't need to worry about that anymore. We're back together now and that's all that matters. We're going to get married and live happily ever after. We're going to get a big house together, have a family, have pets, and have everything we ever dreamed of."

Beca nodded against my chest. "Anything you want, Chlo - it's yours."

I kissed her head again, then she pulled back and cleaned her face.

"Come on, baby," I begged. "Please don't cry. It's okay now. It's all okay."

Beca sniffed and continued cleaning herself up until she ceased her tears. Her eyes were red and puffy and it tugged at my heart. I hated when Beca cried but I also loved it since I was able to see the real Beca - the one who'd let her guard down and let everything out. It made it even more special that I was the only one who was able to see her like that. It was like a little luxury, despite how weird it sounded.

"I love you, Chlo... You're my world and I don't want to live another day without you."

Tears refilled my eyes and I didn't fight them. It had been an emotional rollercoaster ever since we got back together so holding back tears just wasn't in the cards.

"I love you, too, Becs. We're never going to be apart again - I promise."

Beca quirked up a small smile as did I. We laughed then shared another passionate kiss before we made love again as fiancées then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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