Chapter II

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After about ten minutes of wrapping my head around the fact that Chloe was at the party, I decided to find her. I wanted to talk to her. I was aware that we had broken up and that breaking up was my idea but that didn't mean that I didn't have the right to talk to her as a friend and ask her how she was going. We hadn't talked in just over two years and I was missing her. I knew I wasn't able to have her like I once did but after seeing her perform, I realised that I didn't want her out of my life completely.

Even though the house I was in impressed me, I began cursing at it since it was so big and that finding Chloe was feeling near impossible. When I couldn't find her after ten minutes I started to wonder if she had bailed. Seeing me probably frightened her or something and she had to leave. I wish that wasn't the case but at that moment I couldn't think of any other explanation.

After another five minutes of looking around the gigantic house, I gave up and retreated to the bar for another drink. I sat at the counter and sipped on my lemonade, saying hello to people who passed me but I wasn't interested in conversing with any of them. After seeing Chloe I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone else but her. The woman had been taunting my mind ever since we separated and she suddenly showed up right in front of me. She saw me and left. All of these negative thoughts raced through my mind no matter how hard I tried to push them away.

I was alone at the bar for about twenty minutes before I decided that I had enough and wanted to retreat back to my hotel. I was still feeling crap about not being able to find Chloe. I still had her number but I wasn't sure if she still used it. When we broke up two years ago we had no form of contact with one another what so ever. The last words I said to her was "goodbye, Chlo", to which she replied "please, Becs", and they've stuck with me ever since. I had almost forgotten what her voice sounded like. It was as if I completely swiped her from my life and I wasn't sure whether or not that was a good thing.

When I finished the last of my drink, I thanked the barman and stood. I turned around and watched everyone still having a good time. It was a nice and calm environment but I couldn't stay any longer. Chloe was no longer there and I wished that I wasn't either. I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket and went to make my way to the front of the door, which seemed like miles away but it was only a few meters.

Just as I was walking to the door, I looked to my left and saw a glimpse of red hair in the corner of my eye. I spun around immediately and there was Chloe. She was outside talking to her fellow performers. She had been hiding outside the whole time while I wallowed in my own self-pity. Butterflies erupted in my stomach once I saw her and this time I was determined to speak to her. I didn't care that she was in the middle of a conversation, I needed to talk to her. Our time apart had been going on long enough and I was going to end it.

So, taking a breath, I made my way through the passel of musicians and eventually landed outside. I looked around and saw Chloe still talking to her peers. I was beginning to sweat as my heart picked up but I wasn't going to back down. I took another deep breath and approached her.

"Hi, guys! Lovely performance this evening." I spoke confidently and I heard Chloe gasp when I stood next to her.

Her heels made her a few inches taller than me than she already was and I felt a little debilitated by it.

"Thank you! Beca Mitchell, right?" A woman that I was unfamiliar with smiled at me.

"That's right. I'm sorry, but I don't know your name."

"Lily Fleetwood. I'm a solo singer."

"Ah, okay. Forgive me - I'm not always up to date with new singers. I barely know anyone here!" I laughed.

"That's okay. I don't blame you. There are so many people coming into fame these days it's hard to keep up with it all!"

"Isn't that the truth?" I laughed again then turned to Chloe. "Can I speak with you?"

"Now?" Was the first thing she said to me with wide eyes.

Her eyes were so blue and I got lost in them just like the first time I did when I met her.


"Ah..." Chloe looked around then nodded when she knew she couldn't protest since she was surrounded by people.

"Thank you." I led her to a small lounge by the outside bar and made sure that there was some distance between us and other people in the area.

We sat together and I was able to smell her beautiful scent that made me melt. How I missed her so...

"How have you been?" I asked.

"Good. You?" She replied dryly.

"Good." I looked into her eyes and she looked rather tired and a little thinner. "I miss you." I blurted out.

"Beca," she looked away from me and down at her hands in her lap.

"I'm sorry..." I uttered. "I... I didn't mean to say that." And I didn't. Not aloud anyway.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you again. I've missed not being able to talk to you. I know that we broke up but that doesn't we have to stop talking to one another. I'm sorry that I haven't contacted you... I honestly thought it was for the best if we just didn't speak anymore but I'm starting to regret that decision."

Chloe was silent for a few moments and she was hard to study. At first, I thought she might have been angry with me but it looked like she was more upset than anything. I was praying that she wasn't going to cry.

"Talk to me," I urged.

I wanted to place my hand on hers but any form of contact was out of the question at that point.

"I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss you." Her voice was soft. "Because I do. I miss you every day, but we broke up."

"We did." It pained me to agree.

"But you're going well now."

"I am."

"That's good. I see your face all the time. You're very popular."

"I am."

"Are you just going to give short answers now?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Chlo... I... I have a lot I want to say to you but... It's hard."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I'm sorry and that-"


I was interrupted by a man who approached us. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium build. Oh no... It was him... 

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