Chapter III

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"There you are!" He said with a beaming grin - a beaming grin that I wanted to knock clean off his smug face.

"Tom!" Chloe sounded more shocked than anything else when she saw him.

"I've been looking for you."

"Well, here I am," Chloe stood to meet him.

"Yes, here you are." Tom wrapped his arm around Chloe's waist and kissed her cheek.

What the HELL!? What was here doing there? I thought he was Chloe's boy-toy back in college! She ended it with him as soon as she met me! I still remember that day when he barged into my shower, MY shower that I was having with CHLOE. Yes, it was unexpected but it was still a special moment between Chloe and I, even if I didn't realise at the time that Chloe and I were going to be together.

"Ah, Tom... This is Beca Mitchell," Chloe turned to me as did Tom. "We went to college together."

"No way! The big B.M?" He smiled at me, his stupid boy smile aggravating me the longer I looked at it.

"That's me," I answered through gritted teeth.

"Whoa! Wicked! I'm such a fan!" He went to shake my hand and it took everything in me not to snap it off.

"Thank you," I uttered and Tom turned back to Chloe.

"Anyway, babe, I just wanted to let you know that some of the guys and I are going out for some drinks. Is that alright?"

"Ah, yeah, that's fine. You have fun," she said.

"Awesome!" He kissed her lips and it made my blood boil. "I'll see you later!"

"Okay, bye." Chloe farewelled Tom who ran off like a teenager.

"Care to explain to me what that was?" I asked, my tone clipped.

"That's Tom... my... boyfriend." She sat back down.

"Boyfriend!" I said louder than I had intended.


"Are you serious?" I snapped.


"Oh, come on, Chloe."


"You and I both know that boy is as dumb as bricks. Like, who even says wicked anymore? I never understood what you saw in him."

"He's nice and he's been there for me."

I paused. "That's a low blow, Chloe."

"Why do you care? You broke up with me, remember?" She said defensively and I could tell that she was getting angry.

I hated it when Chloe got angry, especially at me but I'm not angry at her for being angry at me. I was the idiot who broke up with her so she had the right to be mad at me. I broke her heart, what else could I have expected from her?

"I know, but I told you that I'd come back for you."

"And you never spoke to me in the meantime. You just wiped me off the face of the earth and now you come waltzing back into my life and have the audacity to get mad at me for moving on?"

"So you've moved on then?"

Chloe didn't answer and she didn't have to. I know she hadn't moved on. I only had to look at her blank expression to see that.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked, desperate to move away from the subject of Tom for a moment since Chloe was far more important.

"Ah... This afternoon."

"What did you eat?"

"Umm... A fruit salad and some yoghurt. Oh! And some nuts."

"Fucking hell..." I uttered to myself, raking my fingers through my hair once again.

"Why are you so pissed off? We broke up, remember?" She snapped.

"Just because we broke up doesn't mean I still don't get to care about you, and you don't need to keep reminding me that we broke up either. Come on, we're getting something to eat." I stood and waited for Chloe to join me.

"I'm not hungry." She said.

"Chloe Beale, let's go before I drag you out of here and you know I will."

I could tell Chloe was revisiting the memories of me carrying her over my shoulder when I wanted to eat out for dinner and she didn't. She eventually caved though and ended up enjoying herself so I was hoping history could repeat itself in that instance.

"Fine," Chloe sighed and stood with me. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere. Would you like to choose?"

"I don't care,"

"Alright then."

I led Chloe inside and gently placed my hand on her back when we pushed through the crowd. It was an automatic action since I used to do it all the time back when we were together. It was just a protection thing and I knew Chloe felt safe and secure when I did it, but that time she tensed up so I pulled my hand away and just let her walk on her own. I missed touching her - I missed doing everything with her but I had to take it easy. We hadn't spoken in two years so there was a lot I had to do before I got back to where I was with her. First of all, I had to deal with Tom. I still couldn't believe that Chloe was with him. Was there for her, she said. That hit me hard but she had a point. He may have been there for her while I wasn't. I was living my life as a world-famous music producer while she was... with him. But that didn't mean that I was happy. I was actually miserable without Chloe - more than words could describe.

I was so bad with my words I didn't even know where to begin. I just wanted to say all this stuff to Chloe but it was difficult. I was fine when we were together. I mean, we were going to get married. Chloe had broken down every barrier I had - there was nothing I could hide from her and I didn't have a problem sharing my feelings or speaking my mind with her either. But after not being together for two years... I felt like that all changed as if it all went away. I don't know. I was feeling so many mixed emotions at that moment I didn't know what to do. The only thing I was sure of was getting Chloe to a restaurant so she could eat. She looked hungry and I was hungry, too. I thought that maybe after we had eaten some food that we'd be able to talk. Hopefully anyway...

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